Glucose is the only source used by brain under starvation conditions
The major pathways in carbohydrate metabolism is glycolysis
Energy performing pathways of carbohydrate metabolism include glycolysis, glucogenesis, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and pentose pathway
Glycolysis is the catabolic pathway, while gluconeogenesis is an anabolic pathway
Gluconeogenesis is the process of synthesizing glucose from noncarbohydrate starting materials like pyruvate, lactate, aminoacids, and glycerol
Glycolysis is a Catabolic process that produces some 2 ATP and 2 NADH
The stages of glycolysis include Energy investment, and energy producing
Reaction 1 in glycolysis is where the hexokinase enzyme with magnesium uses the first ATP, producing Glucose 6 phosphate and ADP
Hexokinase would trap glucose in the cell and begins glycolysis. It also transfers phosphate from ATP
The presence of magnesium help in shielding the phosphate and initiates nucleophilic attack of the phosphorous
Reaction 3 is where the enzyme phosphofructokinase and 2nd substrate Mg2+ yields Fructose 1,6 bisphosphate
Phosphofructokinase is an allosteric enzyme that is stimulated by AMP and inhibited by ATP and citrate
Reaction 4 is where Type A Aldolase converts Fructose 1.6 Bisphosphate to 3-Carbon Glyceralehyde 3 phosphate and dihydroxyacetone phosphate
Reaction 5 involves Triosephosphateisomerase (TIM), isomerizing DHAP to GAP and the end of stage 1
Reaction 6 involves the oxidation and phosphorylation with glyceraldehyde 3 phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD+ and Pi which forms the first high energy intermediate of 1,3 Bisphosphoglycerate and other products such as NADH and H+
The source of an inorganicphosphate in reaction 6 could be the ATP that is hydrolyzed
Reaction 7 is where 1,3-biphosphoglycerate is phosphorylated to ADP by phosphoglycerate kinase and Mg2+ forming 3-Phosphoglycerate, and the first ATP
Reaction 7 produces the first ATP and since we have two GAP from the reaction, the 2 ATP consumed during the energystorage are compensated
Reaction 8 involves the enzyme phosphoglycerate mutase which catalyzes rearrangement of functionalgroups within the molecule forming 2Phosphoglycerate
High 2,3 - BPG decreases the oxygenaffinity of hemoglobin
Pyruvate kinase is the last enzyme, which metabolites would build up to be produced...
Reaction 9 involves enolase through dehydration which forms a second high energy intermediate of phosphoenolpyruvate and H2O
Reaction 10 is where Phosphoenolpyruvate, a high energy compound phosphorylates with Pyruvate Kinase, ADP, and H+ forming Pyruvate and ATP
The net reaction of glycolysis is -96kJ/mol
Homolactic fermentation converts pyruvate to lactate by the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase and releases NAD+
Homolactic fermentation is produced in the muscle source, and the last step in glycolysis
The cori cycle is where lactate is produced anaerobically in muscle cells with during strenuous exercise
After producing lactate during the cori cycle, when passing through blood to the liver, lactate is converted to glucose by gluconeogenesis
The toxic effects of acetaldehyde in ethanol would produce harmful products in the fetus
The glycolysis is known as the Embden Meyerhof Parnas pathway
Glycolysis is a sequence of 10 enzymatic reactions where one molecule of Glucose is converted to 2 molecules of pyruvate with the generation of 2 ATP
Pyruvate can be converted to lactate, ethanol, acetyl cOA, and even to glucose
Acetyl CoA is a metabolite of Pyruvate, and a raw material for the synthesis of Fatty acids if Glucose exceeds the needs for the production of energy
Glycogenolysis is a catabolic pathway, while glycogenesis is a anabolic pathway
Glucose metabolism can produce ATP to power muscle contractions
Low O2 can lead to anaerobic metabolism or production of lactic acid or ethanol from pyruvate
Slow movement or normal production of O2 lead to aerobic metabolism of pyruvate producing more ATP and is completely oxidized to CO2 and H2O until the electron transportchain
There are 3 reactions which are bypassed in gluconeogenesis comparing to glycolysis
Lactic acid is produced in the muscle, while ethanol is produced in the yeast