Lesson 4: Integrative art

Cards (44)

  • Visual arts is an expression of artistic ideas through images, structures, and tactile work
  • Examples of visual arts include painting, sculpture, and architecture
  • Some visual artworks are integrated, combining several mediums to create a new and unique artwork
  • Literary arts is an expression of ideas through writing
  • Types of literary artworks include poetry, prose, and drama
  • Poetry is characterized by imaginative and figurative language
  • Prose is written in complete and grammatical narratives and includes short stories and novels
  • Drama is written to be performed and not just read, usually referred to as plays
  • Performing arts is an expression of artistic ideas through written lyrics, text, dramatization, and multimedia production
  • Performing arts combine different art forms such as literary art for material and visual arts for stage design
  • Space in visual arts can be positive or negative space
  • In visual arts, a line is a series of points with characteristics of form and direction
  • Different types of lines convey different meanings, such as horizontal lines suggesting calmness and vertical lines suggesting loftiness
  • Shapes are two-dimensional figures with height and width
  • Geometric shapes are enclosed figures like triangles and squares
  • Organic shapes are free-flowing shapes found in nature, like the shape of a leaf
  • Abstract shapes lack definition and symmetry
  • Forms are three-dimensional shapes with added volume
  • Colors in visual arts convey different meanings and can be associated with lightness or darkness, coolness or warmth
  • Value in visual arts pertains to the lightness or darkness of a color
  • Texture in visual arts is the tactile or illusory surface of the piece
  • Principles of design organize elements to create compelling artworks
  • Scale and proportion refer to the relative size of parts of a whole in an artwork
  • Harmony in art refers to the unity of the artwork's parts
  • Movement is a fundamental principle in dance and theater, incorporating the passage of time in visual arts
  • Variety adds diversity to an artwork to make it more interesting
  • Rhythm is the repetition of elements to create a pattern in visual arts
  • Balance refers to the even distribution of elements in an artwork
  • There are two types of balance in visual arts: informal (asymmetrical) and formal (symmetrical)
  • Emphasis gives greater impact to a certain element, while subordination refers to elements that supplement the emphasized element
  • poem for occasion
  • poem for the dead
  • speech for the dead
  • 14 lines with iambic pentameter
  • what does iamb mean?
    1 unstressed and 1 stressed
  • 5 tercets and 1 quatrain
  • What does tercet mean?
    3-line stanza
  • What does quatrain mean?
    4-line stanza
  • 5-7-5 syllable poem

  • actual size of an element or an object