french present verbs

Cards (48)

  • what is the conjugated french verbs of parler? parle, parles, parle, parlons, parlez, parlent
  • what is the conjugated french verbs of vendre?
    • vends, vends, vend, vendons, vendez, vendent
  • what is the conjugated french verbs of finir?
    • finis, finis, finit, finissons, finissez, finissent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of avoir?
    • j'ai, as, a, avons, avez, ont
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of etre?
    • suis, es, est, sommes, êtes, sont
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of acheter?
    • achète, achètes, achète, achetons, achetez, achètent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of aller?
    • vais, vas, va, allons, allez, vont
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of conduire?
    • conduis, conduis, conduit, conduisons, conduisez, conduisent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of connaître?
    • connais, connais, connaît, connaissons, connaissez, connaissent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of croire?
    crois, crois, croit, croyons, croyez, croient
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of devenir?
    • deviens, deviens, devient, devenons, devenez, deviennent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of devoir?
    dois, dois, doit, devons, devez, doivent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of dire?
    • dis, dis, dit, disons, dites, disent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of écrire?
    • écris, écris, écrit, écrivons, écrivez, écrivent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of espérer?
    • espère, espères, espère, espérons, espérez, espèrent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of essayer?
    • essaie, essaies, essaie, essayons, essayez, essaient
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of faire?
    • fais, fais, fait, faisons, faites, font
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of lire?
    • lis, lis, lit, lisons, lisez, lisent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of mettre?
    • mets, mets, met, mettons mettez, mettent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of ouvrir?
    • ouvre, ouvres, ouvre, ouvrons, ouvrez, ouvrent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of partir?
    • pars, pars, part, partons, partez, partent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of pouvoir?
    • peux, peux, peut, pouvons, pouvez, peuvent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of préférer?
    préfère, préfères, préfère, préférons, préférez, préfèrent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of prendre?
    • prends, prends, prend, prenons, prenez, prennent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of savoir?
    • sais, sais, sait, savons, savez, savent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of sortir?
    • sors, sors, sort, sortons, sortez, sortent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of suivre?
    • suis, suis, suit, suivons, suivez, suivent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of venir?
    • viens, viens, vient, venons, venez, viennent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of vivre?
    • vis, vis, vit, vivons, vivez, vivent
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of voir?
    vois, vois, voit, voyons, voyez, voient
  • what are the conjugated French verbs of vouloir?
    veux, veux, veut, voulons, voulez, veulent
  • what is the nous version of arranger?
    • arrangeons
  • what is the nous version of changer?
  • what is the nous version of déménager?
    • déménageons
  • what is the nous version of échanger?
    • échangeons
  • what is the nous version of manger?
    • mangeons
  • what is the nous version of nager?
    • nageons
  • what is the nous version of obliger?
    • obligeons
  • what is the nous version of partager?
    • partageons
  • what is the nous version of plonger?
    • plongeons