M1: Philippine Arts

Cards (48)

  • Aesthetics cannot be separated from the philosophy of art (or the appraisal of the work of art)
  • Art appreciation = creation of art work (in the process of creation, the artist is also evaluating his work)
  • Derived from the Latin word “ars”, ART means an ability or skill.
  • In more specialized sense, art applies to activities that express aesthetic ideas by the use of skill and imagination in the creation of objects, environment and experiences which can be shared with others.
  • Visual Arts (those that are perceived by the eye):

    Graphic arts: have flat two-dimensional surface such as painting, drawing, photography, and other products of printing industry.

    Plastic arts: have three-dimensional forms such as: architectural designs; interior design; sculpture out of stone, wood, metal, clay or ivory; crafts or the designing and making of objects; industrial arts for automobiles or household appliances, etc.
  • Performing Arts: they involve movement, speaking and gestures such as theater plays, dances and music.

    Literary Arts: these include short stories, novels, poetry and dramas.

    Popular Arts: having the characteristics of liveliness and gayness, these include film, newspaper, magazine, radio and television.
  • Visual Arts:
    • Graphic
    • Plastic
    • Performing
    • Literary
    • Popular
  • The meaning of BEAUTY• Perceivers may disagree as to the criteria or standards of beauty but they agree as to the meaning of beauty since that meaning is based on usage
  • The meaning of BEAUTY

    • Perceivers may disagree as to the criteriaor standards of beauty (subjectivity of beauty), which is culture bound
    • But they agree as to the meaning of beauty since that meaning is based on usage (objectivity of beauty).
  • objective nature of beauty: Beauty is out there, residing inthe material object, existing independently of the perceiving mind
    subjective nature of beauty: Beauty is a secondary quality that resides inthe perceiver, thus perception of beauty may vary
  • objective nature of beauty: Reason forms image of external reality
    subjective nature of beauty: Beauty reside in a situational perspective.
  • What makes something or someone beautiful? (SUBJECTIVE) --> beauty is how I see it

    How do we say that beauty is possessed by something or by someone? (OBJECTIVE) --> beauty is out there

    BEAUTY: that which delights the perceive
  • The divergence of views on art is attributed to many expectations,including those found in one’s culture. Therefore, our view of art orthe creation of something beautiful is something affected by period, race, culture, and place.
  • Opinions on Appreciating Art

    Art as pure realism
    Appreciation is interpreting how art imitated life or nature. – O. Wilde

    Art as intuition
    Art appreciation is using intuition to depict objective reality – H. Bergson

    Art as expression
    Art appreciation is nothing but getting out of the crippling humanizing situation. – J. Gasset
  • Categories of Art (According to Practical Usefulness)

    Functional: arts that have obvious practical purposes because they meet the requirements of day-to-day living.
    Ex. Architecture, weaving, furniture-making, etc
    a.Tool: if it is an instrument or a device
    b. Container: if it becomes useful when filled

    Non-functional: arts that serve no other purpose than to entertainor provide a pleasant escape from life’s daily problems.
    Ex. Painting, sculpture, literature, music, theater, etc.
  • Personal Functions of Art
    • A vehicle to express of man’s sleeping passion and repressed obsession
    • Art affords man moments of emotional relaxation and spiritual happiness
    • It educates our senses and sharpens our perception of colors, forms, textures, designs, sounds, rhythms, and harmonies in the environment
    • Gives man awareness of other ways of thinking, feeling and imagining that have never occurred before us.
  • Physical Functions of Art
    • The function of the object generally determines thebasic form or shape it takes.
    • The design of the building is determined primarily byits operational function.
    • Community planning aims to improve the livingcondition of thickly populated urban centers.
    • Functional works of art must not only perform theirfunction efficiently but also be aesthetically pleasing.
  • Social Functions of Art
    • Art influences social behavior by bringing to the peopledecisions to collectively change, correct, or improve upon the human condition.
    • Art displays important historical events, reveals theideals of heroism and leadership that the communitywould want the young to emulate, and marks importantcommunity celebrations.
    • Art tells us what the societies that produced them werelike because many of them focus on facets of daily life.
  • The Process of Creativity
    • The Artist: the prime mover/ thecreator from which the idea originates
    • The Performer: the means through which the artists communicates his/her idea
    • The Audience: the interpreter of theidea of the artist as presented by performer
  • Arts in History
    • Prehistoric
    • Civilizations
    • Continental
    • Medieval
    • Renaissance
    • Baroque
    • Neoclassic
    • Romantic
    • Modern
  • Contemporary Art
    • Contemporary Art is the art that springs out of the present-day events and passions of the society.
    • It is the newest form of art, musing people from the late 1960’s or early around 1970’s up to this very minute.
  • Contemporary Art
    • This art functions in a global society hat is culturally diverse and technology oriented.It has become a collaborative process and theaudience plays an active role in reacting andconstructing meaning about the work of art
  • Timeline of Philippine Arts
    • Ethnic Art: integral to life
    • Islamic Art: geometric designs
    • Spanish Era: faith and Catechism
    • American Era: secular forms of art
    • Japanese Era: orientalizing
    • Modern Era: national identity
    • Contemporary Era: social realism
  • traditional: Art representations, Culture – bound
    contemporary: Revolve around the artist and his/her feelings
  • traditional: Mostly focuses in realistic figures
    contemporary: focus on the message to his/her audience
  • traditional: Limited to structures and standards set
    contemporary: Diverse array of materials media, style not only bounded by any rule of standard
  • Pre-colonial arts (ethnic arts): arts are for ritual purposes or for everyday use
  • Islamic arts: geometric designs and patterns eliciting focus from the believers.
  • Spanish era: Art became a handmaiden of religion, serving to propagatethe Catholic faith and thus support the colonial order at thesame time.
  • American Era: commercial and advertising arts were integrated into the fine arts curriculum. Moreover, Americans favored idyllic sceneries and secular forms of arts.
  • Japanese Era: Since the Japanese advocated for the culture of East Asia, preference was given to the indigenous art and traditions of the Philippines. This emphasized their propaganda of Asia belonging to Asians.
  • Modern Era: began after World War 2 and the granting of Independence. Writers and artists posed the question of national identity as the main theme of various art forms
  • Contemporary art: offshoot of social realism brought about by Martial Law. Arts became expression of people’s aspiration for a just, free, and sovereign society
  • Virtual art: drawing, painting, sculpture, calligraphy, photography
    Applied art: architecture, fashion, pottery, jewelry design, interior design
    Performing art and others: dancing, music, theater arts, film productions, literature
  • Visual arts: can be defined s a form of art hat uses any medium to represent the artist’s idea, emotion and imagination.
  • Drawing: A representation of any form or object by handthrough he medium of pencil, pen, charcoal, etc.
  • Painting
    the process of art of using paint, in a picture, as a protective coating , or as decoration
  • Sculpture: Can be defined as a three dimensional art form thatuses materials like lay, stone, wood or its execution.
  • Calligraphy: Art of writing letters in a manner that it looks visuallyappealing.
  • Photography: Art of producing image of an object on aphotographic film.