nervous sytem

Cards (27)

  • The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord
  • The peripheral nervous system consists of nerves outside the CNS
  • The somatic nervous system controls voluntary movements
  • The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary actions such as heart rate and digestion
  • Main role of PNS:
    • carry sensory neurons to CNS
    • carry motor neurons away from CNS
    • composed of nerve fibres and ganglia
  • Afferent division: (sensory)
    • somatic sensory neurons - from skin and muscles
    • visceral sensory neurons - from internal organs
  • Efferent division:
    • somatic - controls voluntary movement
    • autonomic - regulates involuntary functions
  • Ganglion:
    • group of neuron bodies outside the CNS
  • Fight or flight response:
    • rate and force of heart contraction increase → increased blood pressure
    • blood vessels dilate in organs involved and constricts in others
    • lung airway dilatesincreased breathing rate and depth
    • increased blood glucose levels and perspiration
    • relase of adrenaline and noradrenaline
  • CNS is protected by:
    • bone
    • meninges (membranes)
    • cerebrospinal fluid
  • Bone:
    • cranium - protects the brain
    • vertebral canal - protects the spinal cord
  • Meninges: (contains three layers)
    • covers surface of the CNS
    • outside (dura mater) - tough and fibrous
    • middle (arachnoid mater) - loose mesh of fibres
    • inner (pia mater) - blood vessels that stick close the the CNS’s surface
  • Cerebrospinal fluids: (CSF)
    • found between the middle and inner layers of the meninges
    • acts as a shock absorber
    • takes waste away and nutrients to cells of the CNS
    • the brain floats in CSF
  • The control of movement involves:
    • cerebral cortex
    • cerebellum
    • muscles
  • Primary motor area:
    • upper motor neurons - carry impulses away from the primary motor area
    • lower motor neurons - carry impulses from spinal cord to muscles
  • Cerebellum:
    • cortex sends impulses to the cerebellum
    • receives information from - eye, inner ear, muscle, joint receptors
    • coordinates information to create smooth movement
    • maintains posture and balance
  • Corpus callosum:
    • wide band of nerve fibres
    • underneath the cerebrum
    • allows communication between the two hemispheres
  • Hypothalamus:
    • lies within the brain
    • maintains homeostasis
  • Medulla oblongata:
    • continuation of the spinal cord
    • automatically adjusts body functions
    • cardiac centre - regulates heart rate and force
    • respiratory centre - controls breathing rate and depth
    • vasomotor centre - regulates blood vessel diameter
  • Spinal cord:
    • 44cm long in adult
    • enclosed in the vertebral canal
    • grey matter is within the white matter
    • central canal - contains cerebrospinal fluid
    • ascending tracts - carry impulses away from the primary motor area
    • descending tracts - carry impulses from spinal cord to muscles
  • Tracts of the brain’s white matter:
    • connects areas of the cortex in the same hemisphere
    • carry impulses between the hemispheres
    • connects the cortex to other brain areas or with the spinal cord
  • Areas of the cerebrum:
    • sensory areas - receives and processes nerve impulses
    • motor areas - sends impulses to muscles
    • association areas - interprets stimuli and makes it useful
  • Autonomic pathway:
    effectors - heart and involuntary muscles or glands
    general function - maintains homeostasis
    efferent - 2 nerve fibres with a synapse in a ganglion
    neurotransmitters - acetylcholine or noradrenaline
  • Somatic pathway:
    effectors - skeletal muscles
    general function - respond to external environment
    efferent - one nerve fibre only
    neurotransmitters - acetylcholine
  • Cranial nerves:
    • 12 pairs of nerves
    • arises from the brain
    • contains fibres carrying impulses to and from the brain
    • sensory fibres - impulse to brain (3)
    • motor fibres - impulse from brain (5)
  • Spinal nerves:
    • 31 pairs of nerves
    • contains both sensory and motor fibres (mixed)
    • each nerve joined to the spinal cord by two roots
    • ventral root - contains axons of motor neurons with the cell bodies in grey matter
    • dorsal root - contains axons of sensory neurons with the cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglion
    • convolutions (gyrus) - round ridges on the cerebrum’s surface
    • sulci - shallow downfolds
    • fissures - deep downfolds almost separating the hemispheres