Six articles of faith and five roots of Usul ad-Din

Cards (12)

  • The five roots of Usul ad-Din: The foundations of the faith in Shi'a Islam
  • Shi'a Islam: Muslims who believe in the Imamate, successorship of Ali
  • Six articles of faith: The foundations of the faith in Sunni Islam
  • Sunni Islam: Muslims who believe in the successorship of Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman and Ali
  • Tawhid
    oneness of Allah
  • Adalat
    divine justice
  • Imamate
    authority of the imams
  • Malaikah
    Belief in angels
  • Akirah
    Belief in life after death
  • Khums: One of the Ten Obligatory Acts in Shi'a Islam; practice of alms giving
  • resurrection: One of the Six Articles of Faith and Five Roots of Usul ad-Din; belief that after death, all people will be raised from the dead to face judgement.
  • List the six articles of faith
    Tawhid (the Oneness of God)
    Holy Books