Teachings about the nature of families, gender equality

Cards (10)

  • extended family: Family unit comprising two parents and their children, but also grandparents, cousins etc
  • gender discrimination: Acting on prejudices against someone because of their gender
  • gender equality: Belief that all genders have equal status and value, so discrimination against any is wrong
  • gender prejudice: Negative thoughts, feelings or beliefs about a person or group based on their gender
  • Polygamy
    having more than one spouse at a time
  • bigamy
    marriage to two people at the same time
  • Quran 17:23: ......be kind to your parents. If either or both of them reach old age.........do not be harsh with them, but speak to them respectfully
  • Haddith
    heaven is under the feet of the mothers
  • Ummah
    Muslim community
  • respect
    to look up to someone; to show honor