
Cards (28)

  • Art appreciation or aesthetic education is the capacity to understand works of arts and experience a certain enjoyment in creating arts
  • Art is the conscious use of skill and creative imagination, especially in the production of aesthetic objects
  • Art is a form of human expression that uses various mediums, such as visual, auditory, or performance elements, to convey emotions, ideas, or beauty
  • Creativity is the use of imagination to represent new ideas and create physical embodiment which is beneficial and with value
  • The definition of art is subjective and can vary across cultures, individuals, and time periods
  • Imagination is the capability to create in one's own mind what does not exist
  • If you have ideas but don't act on them, you are imaginative but not creative
  • People create works of art to express themselves and to inspire others
  • Creativity is necessary in art making as it allows recognition of uniqueness and identity
  • A creative person has the ability to invent and develop original ideas, especially in the arts
  • Assumptions of art:
    • Art is universal, ageless, boundless, and communicates messages using imagery and symbols
    • Art is not nature, must be man-made, and requires human experience in all of its stages
  • Classification of art:
    • Visual Arts are perceived through our naked eyes and occupy space
    • Visual Arts include paintings, motion pictures (film), sculpture, architecture, and decorative arts
    • Performing Arts involve the use of body, face, and presence, including dance, music, and theater arts
    • Literary Arts include written material such as poetry, novels, poems, and drama
    • Gustatory art of the cuisine involves skill in food preparation or food art
  • Italian word artis which means “craftsmanship.”
  • The term "art" comes from the Latin ars meaning "skill."
  • thinking + producing = creativity
  • humanities are the branches of learning
    concerned with human thought, feelings
    and relations.
  • art is not nature _ Art must be man-made, therefore
    anything that belongs to nature is not art
    for there is no human intervention or
    involvement in its creation.
  • Art is experiential; it requires human experience in all of its stages ART INVOLVE EXPERIENCE
  • In the pre-production process or conceptualization, an artist might get inspiration through their life experience
  • Experience is vital in the process of producing art; it requires skill and experience in painting, sketching, sculpting, and similar activities
  • One's personal experiences allow them to appreciate and interpret the message conveyed in an artwork ART INVOLVE EXPERIENCE
  • A person could relate to a certain song because they have been in a similar situation in the past or present ART INVOLVE EXPERIENCES
  • From Latin word
    “pingere” meaning to
  • Sculpture is the
    three-dimensional art
    work which is
    physically presented in
    the dimensions of
    height, width and
  • ARCHITECTURE is Designing and building physical structures.
  • Decorative arts are visual objects
    produces for aesthetic
    function for houses, interior
    designs, offices and
  • dance are the rythmical body movements