Haiku is a rhythmic poem consisting of 17 syllables arranged in 3 lines of 5, 7, and 5 syllables respectively
Haiku first emerged in Japanese literature during the 17th century as a ferse reaction to elaborate poetic traditions, though it did not become known by the name haiku until the 19th century
A humorous form of renga or linked verse poem (The meaning of "Hai" in haiku)
The initial stanza of a renga (2nd element of the word Haiku)?
It is Hokku
He is a supreme Japanese Haiku poet, he greatly enriched the 17 syllable haiku form and made it an accepted medium of artistic expression.
He is Matsuo Basho
He is a Japanese painter and a renowned Haiku poet.
He is Yosa Buson
What is Yosa Buson's original surname?
It is Taniguchi
Give an example of a Haiku poet who's works in simple, unadorned langauge captured spiritual loneliness of a common...
He is Kobayashi Issha
What is Kobayashi Issha's other name?
It is Kobayashi Yotaro
What is Kobayashi Issha's original name?
It is Kobayashi Nobuyuki
Haiku was originally called Hakku or opening verse to a sequence of linked verses called Haikai.
Basho (1144 - 94 ) the master of Haiku, reinvented the form of the haiku and with the other masters, fully established the haiku into a literary genre
Japan is also called "Land of the risingsun"
Japan as a country has a past with it's styles in it's own tradition, clothing, building and foods
Japanese literature is one of the major literatures of the world comparable to English literature
"the tale of Genji is written by Murasaki Shikibu in the 11th century during the Heian period.
The tale of Genji is generally regarded as the earliest novel in any culture and as the greatest masterpiece of Japanese literature
Modern Japanese writing system uses:
Kanji - ideographs from Chinese characters
Kana - A pair of syllables
Hiragana - used for native JP words
Katakana - used for foreign/borrowed words and sometimes replace kanji or a hiragana for emphasis.
Periods of JP literature:
Ancient Period
Classical/Heian Period
Medieval Period
Modern Period
2 oldest Japanese literature in Ancient period of JP literature:
Kojiki and Nihongi
Kojiki is the records of ancient matter. Describes the gods and goddess of the mythological period, and contains about ancient Japan.
Nihongi means the chronicles of Japan. Tells the history of Japan in poetry and shows the profound influence of Chinese.
Referred to as the Golden period of Japanese art and literature?
Heian Period
Classical Literature of Japan consists of:
Heian Period
Genji Monogatari
It refers to the collection of Myriad leaves. The oldest collection of Japanese poetry collected in the year 800?
The Japanese term for Tale of Genji?
Genji Monogatari
The tale of genji or Genji Monogatari is written by court-lady Murasaki Shikibu, is considered the pre-eminent masterpiece of Heian fiction and the first example of a work of fiction in the form of a novel.
Medieval Literature of Japan consists of:
Tale of Heike
Japan experienced many civilwars led to the development of a warrior class, and subsequent war tales, histories, and related stories. (Medieval Literature of Japan)
Work from this period is notable for its insights into life, death, and simple lifestyles?
Medieval Literature
Tale of Heike is an epic account of the struggle between two clans for control of Japan at the end of the 12th century.
Modern Literature of Japan consists of:
Edo Period - Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Meiji Period - Kawabata Yasunari
Post-war Japan and contemporary literature
The Tokugawa Period is commonly referred to as the Edo Period.
The capital of Japan moved from Kyoto to Edo (modern Tokyo)
Ancient name of Tokyo?
A kabuki dramatist, known as Japan's Shakespeare?
Chikamatsu Monzaemon
Genres included horror, crime stories, morality stories, comedy. (Modern Literature in Japan)
Meiji period (Modern Literature of Japan):
Marks the re-opening of Japan to the West, and a period of rapid industrialization.
War-time Japan saw the début of several authors best known for the beauty of their language and their tales of love.
KawabataYasunari, for his narrative mastery, which with great sensibility expresses the essence of the Japanese mind" became Japan's first winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature. (Modern Literature, Meiji Period)
Noh play is the national theatre of Japan which was originally reserved for the nobility. Legend say that Noh play was invented by the Gods.
Joruri play, a puppet play or doll theatre wherein the dolls are beautifully made and life-like in size