Inanevidence-based policing approach, police officers and staff create, review and use the best available evidence to inform and challenge policies, practices and decisions.
It is anoffencetodriveorattempttodriveor be inchargeof amotor vehicleon aroador otherpublic placeafterconsumingso muchalcoholthattheproportionof in hisbreath, bloodorurine exceedsthe prescribedlimit.
Unfit through Drink or Drugs
It is anoffencetodriveorattempttodriveor be inchargeof amechanically propelled vehicleon aroadorother public placewhilstunfittodrivethroughdrinkordrugs.
Power of Entry following Injury RTC
Where aconstable reasonably suspectstheaccident involvedtheinjuryofany person:
They mayenterany place (byreasonable forceif necessary) for the purpose of-
Requiring apreliminary test.
To arrest after apositive breath or drug test.
To arrest afterfailureorrefusalto provide abreath test (must suspectalcoholordrugs)
Lighting Fires on or over a Highway, Discharging Firearm or Firework
If a person without lawful authority or excuse:
a - Lightsanyfireon or overahighwaywhichconsistsof orcompromisesacarriageway, or
b - Dischargesanyfirearmorfireworkwithin50 feetof thecentreof suchahighway.
And in consequenceauser of the highwayisinjured, interrupted, orendangered, thatpersonisguiltyof anoffence.
Evidenceisinformationthat may bepresentedto acourtortribunalin order that it maydecidesomefactbefore it.
Reportable Accidents
Owingtothepresenceof amechanically propelled vehicleon aroadorother public place, an accident occurs by which-
a - Personal injuryis causedtoapersonother than thedriverof thatmechanically propelled vehicleor,
b - Damageis caused-
i - To a vehicleother than thatmechanically propelled vehicleor atrailerbeingdrawnby thatmechanically propelled vehicle, OR
ii - to ananimalother than ananimalin or on thatmechanically propelled vehicle, oratrailerdrawnby thatmechanically propelled vehicle, or
iii - to any otherpropertyconstructedon, fixedto, growingin orotherwiseforming partof thelandinwhich theroadorplaceinquestionissituatedandland adjacentto suchland.