Origins of human life, Abortion, Euthanasia, Death

Cards (13)

  • Evolution: the process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth.
  • Mutation: the changing of the structure of a gene, resulting in a variant form that may be transmitted to subsequent generations, caused by the alteration of single base units in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes.
  • Adaptation: A characteristic that improves an individual's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
  • abortion: termination of pregnancy usually before the foetus is 24 weeks old
  • quality of life: the general wellbeing of a person in relation to their health and happiness
  • euthanasia: the act of painlessly killing a suffering person to end their suffering
  • passive euthanasia: allowing a terminally ill person to die of natural causes by withdrawing or witholding medical treatment
  • Ahimsa: Non-harming; a personal virtue and guiding principle of Hinduism.
  • Atman: The individual inner self, immortal soul; distinct from the material mind and body
  • Kama: One of the four aims of human life; enjoying the pleasures of life.
  • Karma: Moral action and reaction; all actions have consequences so the accumulation of positive/negative karma leads to rebirth.
  • Samsara: Cycle of birth and death; samsara binds the atman to this physical, illusory existence
  • Varnashrama dharma: Dharma for specific stages in life; the idea that each stage (student, householder, etc) and each social grouping (varna) has particular duties to fulfil.