Cards (6)

    • What study supports that Anxiety has a negative effect on recall?
      Johnson and Scott
    • Define weapons focus.
      the concentration of a witness’s attention on a weapon, which results in reducing their ability to remember other details of the crime
    • What key term/main idea suggests that anxiety has a positive effect on recall?
      Fight or flight response
    • What key term/main idea suggests that anxiety has a negative effect on recall?
      Weapons focus
    • What were the 2 independent groups/IV used in Johnson and Scott's experiment on weapons focus?
      Non-weapon (greased pen) aka low anxiety
      Weapon (bloodied letter opener/knife) aka high anxiety
    • Define(explain a little bit about) anxiety in psychology.
      A state of emotional and physical arousal. The emotions include having worried thoughts and feelings of tension. It is a normal reaction to stressful situations. However can effect the accuracy and detail of EWT.