The Design argument, The First Cause Argument

Cards (12)

  • Design argument: An argument suggesting that proof of God's existence can be seen through the evidence of 'design' in the world; also known as the teleological argument
  • First cause argument: An argument suggesting that God's existence can be proved by logical argument and the evidence of a universal chain of causes and effects. Therefore, the universe requires an uncaused cause at the start, which must be God.
  • Miracle: An event that contradicts the laws of nature, and is usually thought to be impossible, (eg being raised from the dead).
  • Omnipotent: All-powerful; believed by theists to be an attribute of God.
  • theist
    Someone who believes in God
  • atheist
    A person who denies the existence of God
  • agnostic: someone who is not sure whether or not God exists
  • eternal: a term that describes existing without a beginning and forever
  • creation: The act by which God brought the universe into being
  • Ultimate reality: Belief in a supreme and fundamental power in the universe. In Hinduism, Brahman is often referred to as the ultimate reality and supreme cosmic power
  • omnibenevolent
    all loving
  • rita
    cosmic order