This involves putting lots of wind turbines up in exposed places like on moors or round coasts
Each turbine has a generator inside it - the rotating blades turn the generator and produce electricity
There's no pollution (except a bit when they're manufactured)
However wind turbines spoil the view. You need about 1500 wind turbines to replace on coal-fired power station which covers a lot of the ground and has a big effect on the scenery
Wind turbines are very noisy, which can be very disrruptive for people living nearby
There's also the problem of when the turbines stopping when the wind stops or if the wind is too strong. It is impossible to increase supply when there's extra demand
On average, wind turbines produce electricity 70-85% of the time
The initial costs of wind turbines are quite high, but there are no fuel costs and minimal running costs
By using wind turbines, there is no permanent damage to the landscape - if you remove the turbines, you remove the noise and the view returns to normal