Cards (32)

  • Automation is the process by which an analytical instrument performs many tests with only minimal involvement of an analyst
  • automation is used for Used for: Test performance (1)
  • automation is used for Used for: Processing and transport of specimens (2)
  • automation is used for Used for: Loading of specimens into automated analyzer (3)
  • automation is used for Used for: Assessing the results of the tests performed (4)
  • First automated analyzer is the "Autoanalyzer" by Technicon in 1957
  • "Autoanalyzer" is a continuous-flow, single-channel, sequential batch analyzer, Single test result on approximately 40 samples per hour
  • Automatic Clinical Analyzer (ACA) now Siemens in 1970
  • Automatic Clinical Analyzer is the first non-continuous flow, discrete analyzer, first instrument to have random-access capabilities
  • 1976: production of thin film analysis technology
  • Kodak Ektachem (now Vitros) is the first company to use microsample volume: slides for dry chemistry analysis First to incorporate computer technology extensively into its design and use
  • DWELL TIME - minimum time from initial sampling to the production of a result
  • THROUGHPUT -the maximum number of test results than can be produced by ananalyzer in a given time period (usually an hour)
  • TOTAL LABORATORY AUTOMATION - employs an integrated tracksystem that links all thelaboratory's workstationstogether to create acontinuous, comprehenetwork that automatiall the steps involve inlaboratory testingPulllupior
  • (1) TOTAL LABORATORY AUTOMATIONAdvantages:decrease in labeling errors
  • (2) TOTAL LABORATORY AUTOMATIONAdvantages:reduced turnaround times
  • (3) TOTAL LABORATORY AUTOMATIONAdvantages:cost-saving = reduction in labor
    • Roche Diagnostics system -Modular Pre-Analytics (MPA) and platform C (i.e., the chemistry analyzer) consists of an integrated tract device that connects all of the laboratoryworkstations, including front-end processing, instrumentation, andarchiving, to create a continuous, inclusive network that serves toautomate nearly every step involved in the testing of each sample
  • STAND-ALONE SYSTEMS - to automate specific sections of the process that are stillmanual operations.
  • CONTINUOUS FLOW ANALYZER - the samples flow through a common reaction vessel or pathway
  • An oil heating bath is used to promote color development orthe completion of enzymatic reaction
  • DISCRETE ANALYZER (Most versatile)- the samples travel through the instrument in its own reaction vessel
  • CENTRIFUGAL ANALYZER - developed as a result of space-aged technology and were one of the first types of discreteanalyzers , most capable of running multiple samples, one test at a time, in a batch
  • SEQUENTIAL - performing a set of test reactions in a particular orderon each sample in the order in which it is received
  • BATCH - all samples are loaded at the same time, and a single test isconducted on each sample
  • PARALLEL - more than one test is analyzed concurrently on a givenclinical system
  • RANDOM ACCESS - any test can be performed on any sample in a sequence
  • Automated specimen inspection -Identify sample identification errors and sample integrity issuesCould sort a random collection of different-sized containerswith different additives
  • Radio-Frequency Identification -Passive and without active human intervention
  • Electric track vehicles -larger carrying capacity than pneumatictube systems
  • Mobile robots -Delivery of specimens to a mobile robot is usually than human pickup and hasto be cost-effective
  • Autoanalyzer should be capable of removing protein and otherinterferents : Dialysis, Column chromatography, Filtration