
Cards (14)

  • Prayer
    Conversation with God.
  • The Hand of Prayer: A way of remembering the types of prayer. (1) Pray for self (2) Pray for others (3) Thank you to God (4) Confession - sorry (5) Praise God
  • Honesty
    Truthfulness and integrity.
  • Set Prayers: Part of liturgical worship but also used for private prayer.
  • The Jesus Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner." Simplest set prayer. Eastern Orthodox prayer but popular with most denominations. Meant to be said many times (like chanting).
  • The Lord's Prayer - Hallowed be your name: Treat God with honour and respect.
  • The Lord's Prayer - Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven: Carry out God's purpose in his created world.
  • The Lord's Prayer - Give us today our daily bread: Asking God for their (and everyone else's) daily needs to be met - physical, spiritual and emotional needs.
  • The Lord's Prayer - And lead us not into temptation: They do not wish to be tested beyond what they can resist.
  • The Lord's Prayer - But deliver us from evil: They need God's help in the struggle against evil.
  • The Lord's Prayer - For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever: All this is possible as God is omnipotent.
  • Amen: "So be it" A Hebrew word that Christians end prayer with to show they mean what they say.
  • Arrow Prayer: Short prayers addressed to God spontaneously in a time of urgent need or in response to a particular situation.
  • Informal Prayer: Prayer that is made up by an individual using his or her own words.