The Second Noble Truth

Cards (8)

  • Samudaya
    The causes of suffering.
  • Tanha
  • Craving: Wanting or desiring something. One of the main causes of suffering.
  • Three types of Tanha (craving): (1) Sensory craving - craving things that please the senses.
    (2) Craving for being - wanting to become something you are not.
    (3) Craving for non-being - wanting to stop experiencing something.
  • Anicca: Impermanence. People become attached to things in life but everything changes or disappears so this attachment leads to suffering.
  • The Three Poisons - symbol of the cockerel: Greed or desire.
  • The Three Poisons - symbol of the snake: Hatred or anger.
  • The Three Poisons - symbol of the pig 
