The state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship.
Seven States of Suffering: Physical: birth, old age, sickness, death.
Mental: separation from someone/ something you love, contact with someone/something you dislike, not being able to achieve your desires.
Ordinary suffering - physical and mental pain.
Suffering due to change/ impermanence.
Impermanence: The idea that all things have and end and everything is temporary.
Story of Kisa Gotami: Kisa Gotami's child died young leaving her devastated. The Buddha told her she should visit all the houses in the village and ask for a mustard seed from any house in which no one had died. She could not find such a house and eventually realised that death is inescapable and buried her child. The idea that everyone experiences suffering and an awareness of impermanence reduces suffering and makes it more bearable.
No fixed self, no soul.
No-Self: The doctrine that there is no independent, eternal self or soul underlying personal existence. This means people can and do change in life.