Shabbat in the synagogue and Home

Cards (11)

  • Shabbat: 7th Day of the week, to remember the Creation of the world
  • Kabbalat Shabbat
    Friday night service welcoming the Shabbat
  • Havdalah
    A religious ceremony that symbolically ends the Shabbat
  • Seudah Shlishit: The third meal eaten on Shabbat afternoon before dusk
  • Challah
    special braided bread eaten on Shabbat
  • Zemirot: Special songs that are sung at the Shabbat tabel in honour of Shabbat
  • The Weekly Sedrah: The special portion of the Torah that is read each week in the synagogue on Shabbat
  • Havdallah Candle: Special double-wicked candle that is used during the Havdallah ceremony at the conclusion of Shabbat
  • Besamim (Spices): Spices that are used during the Havdallah ceremony at the conclusion of Shabbat
  • Exodus 20:8-10: The Commandment in the Torah to keep and honour the Shabbat
  • Kiddush cup: special goblet used for drinking the wine on Shabbat when Kiddush is made