Hydraulic action is when the sheer force of water forces air into cracks causing the rocks to be dislodged
Abrasion is when the rocks, sand and shingle are thrown against cliffsbreak/scrape rocks off
Solution is when salts and acids in the water dissolve minerals in the rock
Attrition is when waves cause rocks to hit off each other and break into smaller pieces
Weaknesses such as joints, faults or cracks in the cliffs are undercut by erosion to form a wave cut notch
The rock above overhangs over the notch and, as erosion continues, the notch enlarges until the unsupported overhang collapses due to the weight
The platform is abraded by rock materials, with rock pools and pot-holes forming, which can be seen at low tide
The new cliff face is then eroded and through time, the cliff retreats inland, leaving a gently sloping rocky surface called a wave-cut platform, which extends out to the sea away from the cliff