AO1 how does it work?: 1. context reinstatement, interviewer mentally reinstated environment and personal context of accident.
AO1 how does it work?: 2. report everything, interviewer encourages reporting of every single detail, even if irrelevant
AO1 how does it work?: 3. changing order, interviewer tries alternative ways through timeline of accident.
AO1 how does it work?: 4. changing perspective, interviewee recalls from different perspectives, how it appeared to other witnesses.
AO3 of how it works: kohnken did meta analysis of 55 students comparing cognitive interview to standard police interview. CI has more accurate detail, no age difference found, recall enhanced when witnesses personally involved, SPI is for adults
AO1 psychology behind context reinstatement: based on principle of retrieval failure, forgettingcues that may trigger recall, recall needs to be in same place as encoding.
AO1 psychology behind report everything: such detail may trigger other memories, this stops any form of leading questions.
AO1 psychology behind changing order: by working backwards, it eliminates schemas.
AO1 psychology behind changing perspective: reduces influence of schema.
AO3 milne and bull: CP/CR/CO/RE vs SPI is no better than SPI on its own. CR+RE is better than SPI. found the report everything and context reinstatement to be key techniques in gaining accurate recall, which suggests modified versions of the CI concentrate on these features. CI needs condensing.
AO1 how does it differ from SPI?: in CI it encourages witness to recreate original context using open questions. in SPI witnesses are bombarded with brief questions. in CI many retrieval paths to each memory. in SPI, witnesses are frequently interrupted which can break concentration. in SPI closed questions are used, and short answers
AO3 CI strengths and weaknesses: time consuming, not used on all crimes, requires rapport and training for officers, hard to know it's relevance.