During the primitive phase of nursing, illnesses and diseases were believed to be caused by the evil spirits
Shaman or witch doctors were believed to have powers
Procedures such as fumigation were used to drive out evil spirits
Witch doctors later became priest-physicians because they built temples for gods and encouraged worshiping them
Babylon (the ancient cuty of Babylonia or Mesopotamia) is now known as Iraq
The code of hammurabi stipulated that a doctor who cures a patient eill be rewarded 10 shekels of silver, while a doctor who kills a patient will have their hands cut off.
The Babylonians believing false god Baal or Beelzebub is what sent Abraham to go to Egypt with his wife and nephew
Egyptians bury their dead in tombs and require embalming
through the practice of embalming, knowledge on anatomy and physiology was developed
In the egyptian era, The belief on the etiology of disease as caused by evil spirits was eradicated
The caduceus is the insigna of the medical profession. It is represented by the staff of a traveler intertwined with 2 snakes, which symbolize wisdom, and 2 wings of Mercury that symbolizes speed.
aesculapius is known as the god of medicine
Hippocrates is known as the father of medicine.
The code of moses started the concept of building houses of hospitality. This is the origin of hospitals.
From Aztecs, bath houses, also known temascals, were established
In Chinese culture, charm treatments anf alchemy were practiced
Emperor Shen Nung is the founder of Chinese medicine
Brahmanism introduced the practice of ancestor worship and animal reverence
Charaka was known for his ethical standards in medical practice
Susurta was known for the description of diseases,surgery and use of herbs
Crusaders are Christians who defended our religion and fought back to the Moslems
San Juan de Dios and San Lazaro hospital opened in 1577 in Manila
Sairey Gamp is the character in Charles Dickens' story, Martin Chuzzelwitt, that describes nurses as unpleasant
Mid-19th century was the gloomiest phase of nursing
In 1840, Elizabeth Fry established the Sisters of Charity
Pastor Theodor Fliedner and wife Frederick introdyced "mother-house" system and found a movement at Kaiserworth, Germany in 1836
Florence Nightingale was named superintendent of the Establishment for Gentlewomen in Illness in London
When Florence Nightingale was 30 y/o, she was allowed to choose her career
Nightingale had 38 nurses, mostly from Sisters of Charity for the Crimean War
Mortality rate dropped from 40% to 2%
Nightingale returned to England in 1860
Aims of Nightingale's School of Nursing:
to trainhospital nurses
to train nurses who are to trainothers as well
to train districtnurses for the sickpoor
Methods of evaluation for Nightingale were return demonstration and bedside training
Dr. Valentine Seaman opened the first school for nurses with 24 pupils
Dorothy Dix is the superintendent of Female Army Nurses
Clara Barton contributed to the formation of American Red Cross
Florence Nightingale was known as "The Lady With The Lamp"
In ancient philippin nursing, care of the sick was based on mythical,superstitious and empirical.
the PNA was founded on September 2, 1922
Mrs. Rosario Montenegro-Delgado was electrd as the first president of PNA.