Health is a state in which needs are being sufficient met to allow an individual to function successfully in life with the ability to achieve the highest possible potential
The interrelated ways in which a country organizes available resources for the maintenance and improvement of the health of its citizens and communities
Characteristics of health care system based on primary health care
The system should encompasses the entire population on the basis of equality and responsibility
It should include components from the health sectors whose interrelated actions contribute to health
The essential elements of primary health care should be delivered at the first point of contact between individuals and the health system
The other levels of the health system should support the first contact level to permit it to provide the aforementioned essential elements on a continuing basis
An intermediate levels more complex problems should be dealt with more skilled and specialized care as well as logistic support
The central level should coordinate all parts of the system & provide planning and management expertise, highly specialized care, teaching for specialized staff
Refer cases to the rural health team, who in turn refers more serious cases to either the district to community hospital, then to the provincial, regional or to the entire health system