6.3B Ocean & Terrestrial Photosynthesis

Cards (3)

  • Ocean & Terrestrial Photosynthesis
    • The carbon cycle is dependent on ocean and terrestrial photosynthesis in regulating the composition of the atmosphere
    • Plants photosynthesising play a vital role in helping to keep carbon dioxide levels relatively constant thus helping to regulate average global temperatures
    • As a result, patterns in plant productivity and carbon density are evident 
    • Highest productivity NPP occurs either in warm and wet regions such as the tropical rainforest or in shallow ocean waters
  • Soil Health:
    -> Soil health relies on the amount of organic carbon stored in the soil which is dependent on:
    • The inputs - plant and animal residues and nutrients
    • The outputs - decomposition, erosion and use in plant and animal productivity
    • Carbon, within soil organic matter, helps provide soil with its water retention capacity, its structure and fertility
    • Soil erosion is a major threat to carbon storage and soil health as organic carbon is mainly found in the surface soil layer