
Cards (61)

  • criminal behaviour-any cation forbidden by criminal law.for court consider defendants actions to be crime, action must have
    ~Actus reus(guilty act)- against the law
    ~Mens rea(guilty mind)-intention of doing it
    exception is self defense.assulting someone(actus reus) with intention to hurt them(mens rea) is criminal act.however if it's self defence, not crime.
  • social definition- anything society deems unacceptable.however not consistent between diff societies + cultures.means public may have diff view of what acts are 'really' crimes compared to legal def.
  • criminal acts
    UK law distinguishes between 2 main type of offences:
    summary offences~less serious eg speeding ticket
    indictable offences~more serious +tried in crown court eg murder
  • Formal sanctions- penalties laid down by law can be imposed on thsoe convicted of crime.varies depending on severity of crime. imposed either courts or police
  • Custodial sentences~sent to prion/young institution.length sentence depends on severity of offence.
  • community sentences~serve in community rather than prison.include restrictions eg curfews, attendance, drug treatment, community service.
  • Fines~financial penalties with size of fine depending on seriousness of offence + offenders ability to pay.
  • cautions~warnings given to anyone over age 10 for minor crimes.intended for low-level,first time offending. caution not criminal conviction.
  • conditional cautions~stick to certain conditions eg receiving treatment for drug abuse.if break conditions,may be charged.
  • penalty notices~issues for minor crimes eg shoplifting or possession of cannabis.if pay penalty, wont get conviction.
  • Deviance- any behaviour which is unusual, uncommon , out of ordinary in some way. it challenges accepted norms, moral codes and values
  • norms-specific rules or socially acceptable standards guide behaviour
  • moral codes-ideas about whats right and wrong
  • values-general principles for how should live our lives and what behaviour is correct
  • sanctions against deviance
    deviance which is considered bizarre or viewed with disapproval is likely to lead to sanctions.either formal or informal.
  • formal sanctions~imposed by official bodies eg police,courts,schools.punishments for breaking formal rules/laws.
  • informal sanctions~used when rules not normally written/more unspoken. when someone breaks these rules, others show their disapproval eg refusing to speak to them,avoiding them etc
  • forms of deviance
    behaviour can be deviant in 1 of 3 ways
    • behaviour which is unusual but good eg heroically risking your life to help someone else
    • behaviour which is unusual and eccentric/bizarre eg hugging trees in park
    • behaviour which is unusual and disapproved of eg attacking someone for no reason
  • crime and deviant
    • theft
    • murder
    • stalking
    • assult
  • criminal but not deviant
    • speeding a little over limit
    • throwing up in street
    • downloading pirate films and music
    • underage drinking
  • deviant but not criminal
    • swearing
    • picking nose
    • talking loud in library
    • playing loud music in public area (midday)
  • illegal in UK but legal in other countries
    cannabis use, begging, nudity

    legal in UK but illegal in other countries
    abortion,homosexuality(in 69 countries)

    used to be illegal but now legal in UK
    Sunday trading made legal in 1994,women voting 1918

    used to be legal but now illegal in UK
    not wearing seat belt 1983, smoking inside 2015
  • social construction means being defined by society
    means what is considered criminal varies between cultures. some may define criminal acts as OK others not.
    as society changes over time, its ideas about what is a crime can also change.
  • homosexuality laws~laws regarding same-sex relationships are diff in many cultures and countries. it was previously a criminal offence in UK but since been decriminalised and legalised.
    where is it legal= more than 30 places around world eg Andorra (2023), Germany(2019), UK(2014).
    where is it illegal=64 countries eg half in Africa like Nigeria and Uganda(laws tightened)
  • Homosexuality
    why is legal =attitudes among public appeared to have softened. eg US, Australia etc.richer nations more supportive than poorer nations. why is illegal=colonial legacy-breaking laws could be punishable by long prison sentences.
  • drug laws in uk~illegal to posses, supply and produce controlled drugs.illegal to import/expport drugs.
    punishment-up to life in prison, fine, or both
  • drug laws in Portugal- decriminalised all drugs including cocaine and heroin.drug possession for personal use and drug usage itself are still legally prohibited.
  • drug laws vary across diff states in USA~many states have own laws and regulations eg California allows cannabis whereas south Carolina, fully illegal.
  • Gun laws UK~access by general public to firearms are strictest. member of public may own rifles and shotguns.illegal/possessing firearm is 10 years prison.
  • Gun laws in USA~44 sates have right to keep and bear arms. exceptions are California,new York, new jersey etc. illegal to carry handgun in public, can have permit.
  • Polygamy-more than 1 wife/husband at same time (polygyny and polyandry
  • adultery- sexual act between 2 people 1/both being married to another person
  • where polygamy legal- 58 countries mostly Muslim-majority countries
  • where polygamy illegal- most anyone who goes through marriage ceremony whilst still married commiting crime of bigarry.7 years, fine or both
  • adultery legal-most countries, including uk not against law
  • adultery illegal- most societies that are Muslim
  • why polygamy laws vary between places/cultures- religion(Qur'an permits Muslim men to take up to 4 wives
    Tradition- practised in some African societies eg aminst
  • why adultery laws vary between places/cultures- religion(most condemn it like Judaism and Christianity)
    position of women- laws against adultery often found in societies when women occupy very subordinate position.
  • why laws cahnge between culture place-
    religion- adultery , diff norms/values- jaywalking, status of women- clothing + afganistan clothing , public opinion- abortion + dangeous dogs act , vary views on justice- death penalty.
  • laws change over time - homosexuality laws.
    Uk= all acts between men made crime 1885 max sentence life, however legalised men aged 21 + over in England + wales 1867, Scotland 1980, northern Ireland 1982.