The amplitude of a wave is the maximum displacement of a point a wave from its undisturbed position.
The wavelength is the distance between the same point on two adjacent waves (eg. between two troughs).
Frequency is the the number of complete waves passing a certain point per second. It is measured in Hertz (Hz).
Waves can be either transverse or longitudinal.
In transverse waves, the oscillations are perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.
Examples of transverse waves include:
All electromagnetic waves eg. visiblelight
Ripples and waves in water
A wave on a string
In longitudinal waves, the oscillations are parallel to the direction of energy transfer.
Examples of longitudinal waves include:
Sound waves
Shock waves eg. some seismic waves
Wave speed = frequency x wavelength
You can use an oscilloscope to measure the speed of sound.
When waves arrive at a boundary between two different materials, they can be either absorbed, transmitted or reflected.
In all reflected waves, the angle of incidence = angle of reflection.
The normal is a line perpendicular to the surface that a wave is being reflected off of.
Specular reflection is when a wave is reflected in a single direction by a smooth surface eg. a mirror.
Diffuse reflection is when a wave is reflected by a rough surface and the reflected rays are scattered in many different directions. This is because the normal is different for each ray.
All electromagnetic waves travel at the same speed through air or a vacuum.
Waves are refracted when they cross a boundary at an angle. The amount of refraction depends on the density of the material.
If a wave slows down at a boundary, it will bend towards the normal and its wavelength will decrease.
If a wave speeds up at a boundary, it will bend away from the normal and its wavelength will increase.
EM waves are made of oscillating electric and magnetic fields. This means alternating current produces waves that have the same frequency as the ac.
You can produce radio waves with a transmitter and an ac. When transmitted radio waves reach a receiver, the radio waves are absorbed and generate an ac with the same frequency.
Radio waves have wavelengths longer than 10cm. If they have a wavelength longer than 1km, they can diffract around bends and hills.
Radio waves are used for communication.
Microwaves are used by satellites as they pass easily through Earth's atmosphere.
They are also used to heat food by transferring energy to the water molecules in the food.
Infrared radiation is given out by all hot objects and can be used in IR cameras, to cook food, or as electric heaters.
Fibre optic cables use pulses of visible light to transfer data. Light is not easily absorbed or scatter as it travels along a fibre.
Fluorescence means an object absorbs UV light and emits visible light. Fluorescent lights generate UV radiation which is absorbed and re-emitted as visible light.
Overexposure to UV rays can be dangerous.
X-rays can be used to take images of people's bones. This is because the x-rays pass easily through flesh but not through denser material like bones.
X-rays and gamma rays are used to treat cancer (radiotherapy).
Gamma radiation can be used as a medical tracer because the rays can pass out of the body.
UV radiation damages surface cells which can lead to an increased risk of skin cancer, or even blindness.
X-rays and gamma rays are types of ionising radiation. This can cause gene mutations or cell destruction, and cancer.