6.4A Consumption of Energy & Energy Mix

Cards (7)

  • Energy Security
    • Energy security is the uninterrupted availability of energy sources at affordable prices
  • -> Energy secure countries are those that will be able to meet all or most of their energy demands from within their country
  • Energy Consumption:
    • Energy is essential to the functioning of a country especially for the economy and the well-being of people
    • The consumption of energy (demand) is increasing as a result of:
    • Global population growth
    • Development and rising standard of living
    • The essential nature of energy to our everyday life
  • -> Energy consumption is usually expressed in per capita terms using one of the following measures:
    • Kilograms of oil equivalent per year (kgoe/yr)
    • Gigajoules per year (GJ/yr) or exajoules per year (EJ/yr)
    • Megawatt hours per year (MWh/yr)
    • Measuring how efficiently energy is being used in a country is important too
    • Energy intensity is a measure of how efficiently a country is using its energy 
  • Energy Mix:
    • The term energy mix is used to describe the combination of different energy sources that are used to meet a country’s total energy demand
    • One vital part is the mix of primary energy sources that are used to generate electricity which include:
    • Non-renewable fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas
    • Renewable energy such as wind and hydroelectricity
    • Recyclable fuels such as nuclear energy and biomass
  • Countries have their own individual energy mix, for example:
    -> Developing countries usually use natural resources such as firewood for cooking
    -> Emerging countries will see a rise of oil use as transport and car ownership increases
    -> As countries develop they tend to start using more gas and nuclear power as technology advances
    • Energy security increases as dependence on imported energy sources decreases
    • A country that depends massively on imported energy are at risk from sudden threats