Personae non gratae - Pythius sections 1-3

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  • Iratissimus Canius; sed quid faceret?
    Canius was very angry; but what was he to do?
  • "Nullae, quod sciam" inquit "sed hic piscari nulli solent. Itaque heri mirabar quid accidissent."

    "None as far as I know," he said, "but no one usually fishes here. And so I was surprised yesterday at what had happened."
  • Quaerit a proximo vicino num feriae piscatorum essent.
    He asked the nearest neighbour whether it was a fishermen's holiday.
  • Invitat Canius postridie familiares suos; venit ipse mature; cumbam nullam videt.

    Canius invited his close friends on the next day; he himself came early; he saw no boats.
  • Tandem tamen emit homo cupidus et dives tanti, quanti Pythius voluit.
    However, at last, the greedy, rich man bought it for as much money as Pythius wanted.
  • Recusavit ille primo.

    He refused at first.
  • Incensus Canius cupiditate contendit a Pythio ut venderet.
    Canius, enflamed with greed, begged Pythius to sell.
  • et ille "Quid mirum?" inquit "quidquid est piscium Syracusis est in hoc loco."
    And he said, "What is strange? Every fish at Syraceuse is in this area."
  • Tum Canius "Quaeso" inquit "quid est hoc, Pythi? Quare tot pisces, tot cumbae?"
    Then Canius said, "I beg you Pythius, what is this? Why so many fish, so many fishing boats?"
  • Cumbarum ante oculos multitudo; pro se quisque, quod ceperat, adferebat; ante pedes Pythii pisces deiciebantur.

    Before his eyes there was a crowd of fishing boats; Each man, according to his ability, brought what he had caught; the fish were being thrown down before the feet of Pythius.
  • Ad cenam tempore venit Canius.
    Canius came to dinner on time.
  • et ab eis petivit ut ante suos hortulos postridie piscarentur, dixitque quid eos facere vellet.
    and asked them to fish in front of his estate on the next day, and he told them what he wanted them to do.
  • Cum ille promisisset, tum Pythius piscatores ad se convocavit,
    When he had accepted, Pythius then summoned fishermen to him,
  • sed quibus Canius uti posset, si vellet, ut suis: et simul ad cenam hominem in hortos invitavit.
    but which Canius could use as his own, if he wished: and at the same time he invited the fellow into his gardens for dinner.
  • Quod cum percrebuisset, Pythius quidam, qui argentariam faciebat Syracusis, ei dixit se hortos habere, non venales quidem
    When this became widely known, a certain man, Pythius, who managed a bank at Syracuse, said to him that he had gardens, not in fact for sale,
  • quo invitare amicos et ubi se oblectare sine interpellatoribus posset.
    to which he could invite his friends and where he could amuse himself without intruders.
  • C. Canius, eques Romanus, cum se Syracusas contulisset, dicebat se hortulos aliquos emere velle,

    When Gaius Canius, a Roman knight, went to Syracuse, he wanted to buy some estate,