6.4B Factors Affecting Access to & Consumption of Energy

Cards (10)

  • Factors Affecting Access to and Consumption of Energy:
    -> There are many factors that affect a country’s access to and consumption of energy including:
    • Physical availability
    • Cost
    • Technology
    • Public perception
    • Level of economic development
    • Climate 
    • Environmental priorities
  • Physical availability:
    • Domestic energy sources may be available, but they may not be easily accessible
    • If energy sources are not available within the country, the energy will have to be imported (adding to the overall cost of energy to the consumer)
  • Cost:
    -> There are a range of costs involved in the access and consumption of energy
    1. The cost of the physical exploitation
    2. The cost of processing (converting a primary energy into a secondary energy)
    3. The cost of delivery to the consumer
  • Technology:
    • Modern technology is very useful in the exploitation of energy e.g., oil that requires deep drilling into the earth
    • As a result of modern technology making energy sources more accessible, increasing energy consumption usually follows 
  • Public perception:
    • Energy costs can be perceived differently in different countries, for example what may be perceived as expensive in one country may seem reasonable in another
    • Public perception will usually depend on the level of economic development of a country and the standard of living
  • Level of economic development:
    • The higher the level of development and standard of living in a country, the less sensitive they are to energy costs
    • Developed countries tend to have relatively high levels of energy consumption as people have more domestic appliances that make everyday living comfortable and use more forms of transport
  • Climate:
    • Regions such as North America, the Middle East and Australia have high levels of consumption as a result of the extra energy required to make the extremes of heat and cold more comfortable
  • Environmental priorities:
    • Governments may opt for more expensive methods to meet their energy needs out of concern for the environment and the need to reduce carbon emissions
  • Comparison of Energy Use in France and the USA
    • The USA (2nd) and France (10th) are ranked within the world’s top ten largest energy consumer
    • significant differences between the two countries as the total energy consumption for France is 243 mtoe compared to the USA at 2,224 mtoe
    • differences can be explained by :
    • The USA has a significantly higher population of 334 million compared to 65.6 million living in France
    • The size of the USA results in the country experiencing extremes of heat and cold which requires huge amounts of energy (for heating and lighting) to counteract them
  • Comparison of Energy Use in France and the USA:
    • The USA only has 10% coming from renewable energy and 8% from nuclear 
    • France has 10% from renewables and 41% coming from nuclear energy 
    • -> The energy security of the USA and France differ too, with the USA being considered more energy secure than France because:
    • France relies on 46% of its energy supplies being imported as all of its natural gas and oil are imported along with the uranium required for its nuclear power
    • The USA only imports around 15%