6.4C Role of energy players

Cards (7)

  • Energy Players:
    • Energy pathways involve different forms of transport, including tanker ships, pipelines and electricity transmission grids
    • There are five major players in the world of energy:
    • TNCs
    • Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
    • Energy companies
    • Consumers
    • Governments
  • Energy Players:
    • Energy pathways involve different forms of transport, including tanker ships, pipelines and electricity transmission grids
    • There are five major players in the world of energy:
    • TNCs
    • Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
    • Energy companies
    • Consumers
    • Governments
  • TNCs:
    • An estimated 50% of the big players in oil and gas (e.g., BP, ExxonMobil) are state owned and so under government control which means technically they are not TNCs
    • The majority of these companies are involved in a variety of operations including exploring, extracting, transporting, refining and producing petrochemicals
  • OPEC:
    • OPEC currently has 13 member countries owning around two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves between them
    • As a result, OPEC is able to control the amount of gas and oil in the global market along with their prices
    • OPEC have been accused of forcing up the price of oil and gas by withholding/slowing production 
  • Energy companies:
    • Most companies are involved in the distribution of both primary energy (e.g., gas) and secondary energy (electricity) which means they have a strong influence over consumer prices and tariffs
  • Governments:
    • Governments can play various different roles, for example, they look after energy security and can have an impact on how energy is sourced
  • Consumer:
    • The most important consumers are in transport, industry and domestic sectors
    • Consumers tend to have little impact on energy prices