physci long test review

Cards (84)

  • protons are positive charges of an atom
  • neutrons are neutral charges of an atom
  • electrons are negative charge of an atom
  • nuclear fusion is the process where heavy elements are formed
  • nucleosynthesis is the process where nucleons combine to form new elements
  • the atomic number of an element is the number of protons in it
  • an isotope is an element that has the same atomic number, but different atomic mass
  • the nebula is a giant cloud of gas and dust that is the birthplace of new stars
  • the nebula spins like a disc
  • a protostar is an infant star
  • to become a main sequence star, the internal force and gravity of a protostar must be equal
  • to become a main sequence star, the temperature of a protostar must first reach 10,000 Kelvins
  • main sequence star has constant nuclear fusion of helium and hydrogen in its core
  • 90% of a star's life cycle happens in main sequence star
  • when an average star runs out of hydrogen fuel, it becomes a red giant
  • when a massive star runs out of hydrogen fuel, it becomes a red super giant
  • when a red giant runs out of hydrogen around its core, it becomes a white dwarf
  • heavier elements like iron are formed in a black dwarf
  • a red giant or red super giant's core has carbon and oxygen
  • the explosion or death of a star is called a supernova
  • neutron stars are the brightest and smallest star in the universe.
  • a black hole's direction is always towards the center
  • as a black hole gets bigger, it gets less dense
  • duplet rule states that if the proton and electron in an atom is equal, the atom is stable
  • a lone pair only has one electron
  • bonding pair or covalent pair has two or more electrons to bond with
  • a proton is denser than electron
  • the valence electron is located in the innermost energy level of an atom
  • helium has a complete set of two valence electrons or the duplet condition
  • neon and argon has 8 valence electrons or the octet condition
  • the duplet rule states that some elements can be stable with two electrons in their shell
  • if the elements are non-metal, they will share the electron, therefore it is covalent bonding
  • if the elements are metal, they will transfer the electron, therefore it is ionic bonding
  • the big bang started from a primorial atom or a singularity
  • the doppler effect was by hubble
  • red shift - moving away
  • blue shift - moving towards
  • andromeda is the closest galaxy to our solar system
  • baryonic matter (4%) are the things that we see
  • dark energy (71%) counteracts the power of gravity