Origins and Meaning

Cards (35)

  • Inspiration- God breathed the belief that the spirit of god guides an individual to act or write what is good and true
  • Revalation- The way God makes him self known to human beings .Christains believe he does this finally and fully in the person of jesus christ
  • Stewardship-The duty to care for Gods creation and to protect it for future generations
  • Transcedance. Existing out of space and time.God does this that makes him like no one else he is beyond creation
  • Imago dei. in the imagine of god.Th belief humans are uniquely a reflection of gos person hood
  • Stewardship-the duty to care for the environment and the responsibility to protect it, as stewards rather than consumers we need to protect the planet for future generations
  • Creation ex Nihlio-creation out of nothing. Before god created the universe nothing existed.Only God can create out of nothng
  • Evolution the process of mutation and natural selection which leads to changes in species over time to suit particular enviorments
  • Symbolism
    A way of giving messages and showing religious beliefs in Christianity
  • The Tree of Life mosaic is an example of Christian art which is filled with symbolism
  • Alpha (A) and Omega (ω)

    The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, used to refer to Jesus to suggest eternity
  • The Alpha and Omega shows Jesus' connection to God, showing that Jesus is also eternal. He is God Incarnate (God made flesh) and thus was there at the beginning of creation and will be there at the end
  • Chi-Rho
    A symbol made from the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ, used to represent Jesus
  • The Chi-Rho is shown with the Alpha and Omega in this mosaic to reinforce the central importance of Jesus
  • Lamb
    In Christianity, Jesus has become known as the sacrificial Lamb of God as he saved humanity with his death and resurrection
  • At the bottom of the mosaic there are thirteen lambs, representing the twelve apostles and Jesus
  • The central lamb pictured with a halo is Jesus
  • Jesus' sacrifice on the cross paid the debt of humanity and saved them from sin and death, in the same way that lambs saved the Israelites
  • The apostles are also portrayed as lambs as they lived lives of sacrifice
  • Jesus is also portrayed as the good shepherd, and the apostles as his flock
  • Doves
    A symbol of the Holy Spirit, showing the apostles are guided by the Holy Spirit in the expansion of the Church
  • Four evangelists
    Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, shown in their symbolic forms of a human, lion, ox, and eagle
  • The four evangelists are shown in their symbolic forms to represent the meanings of the symbols contained within the mosaic, for example, the Alpha and Omega, the Chi-Rho, lamb and the four evangelists
  • The central image in the mosaic is the Tree of Life, with the hand of God above it, showing the transcendent God becoming immanent through Jesus' crucifixion and death
  • Mary and St John stand on either side of the cross, and Jesus is shown with a victory wreath, showing his victory over sin and death
  • The cross is growing from the Tree of Life, showing that through Jesus' death, life is restored to everyone and all people and creation
  • The mosaic reflects the idea that Jesus' death and resurrection redeems humanity from sin, restoring the relationship between God and humanity that was damaged in the Fall of Adam and Eve
  • Humanist believe that people should learn the consequences of aborting a baby and how it can impact a persons quality of life
  • Humanist believe that there should be better sex education to refuse unwanted pregnancy
  • Main thing legislation for abortion to recuse unsafe abortions
  • Peter singers believe that both humans and animals are equal
  • Peter singers believes it acceptable to abort the foetus with a poor quality of life,humans life’s begin and conception but those aren’t humans they lack the ability to think and feel
  • Cathlioics believe that humans have more value than animals and that abortion is wrong and murder
  • Nature of humans- Free will and repsonsiblity humans are given free will over there descsions.God gives adam and eve free choices.’You shall freely eat from every tree expect the tree of knowledge of good and evil for that day you shall die’
  • Nature of humans- Stewardship god lets humans rule over his dominion and have responsibility to care for his creation but not in a way that damages or abuses it.Adam has authority over god and trusted to take care animals