' lighting should be pink and intimate until the inspector arrives and then it should be brighter and brighter and harder' - stage direction
'you youngester, just remeber what i said' - mr birling themes:age, learningaboutlife, capitalism
'i wanted you to have the benefit of my experience' - mr birling themes:age, capitalism , judgement
'youve a lot to learn yet' - mr birling. Themes: age, judgement, capitalism
'they worked us hard in those days' - mr birling themes: age, learningabout life, capitalism
' i think sheila and i had better go into the drawing room and leave you men' - mrs birlings themes: gender, capitalism
'suddenly i felt i had to laugh' - eric themes: age, socialism, judgement, social responsibility
' he could have kept her on instead of throwing her out' - eric themes: socialism, judgement, age, social responsibility
'its exactly the same port your father gets from him' - Mr birling
Themes: social class, capitalism, age, family life
'when your married you'll realize that men with important work to do sometimeshave to spend nearly all their time and energy on their business. You'll have to get used to that, just as I had' - Mrs birling
Themes: gender, learningabout life, social class, capitalismvssocialism, judgement
'half playful, half serious' - sheila
Themes: socialism, age, gender
' your squiffy' - Sheila
Themes: age, judgement, social class, familylife
'what an expression, Sheila? Really the things you girls pick these days' - Mrs birling
Themes: judgement, gender, age, soical class, capitalism vs socialism
' don't be an ass, eric' - Sheila
Themes: age, familylife, judgement
'you're just the kind of son-in-law I always wanted, your father and I have been friendly rivals in business for some time now' - Mr birling
Themes: capitalism, soical class
'crofts and birlings are no longer competing' - Mr birling
Themes: capitalism, family life, soical class, learningaboutlife
'oh-it's wonderful! Loo- mummy- isn't it a beauty?' - Sheila
Themes:age, gender, judgement, social class
'daddy' - Sheila
Themes: age
'i speak as a hard-headed business man' - Mr birling
Themes: age, gender, social class, judgement, capitalism
'we've passed the worst of it' - Mr birling
Themes:judgement, capitalism, age
'i believe you're right, sir' - Gerald
Themes: capitalism, social class, gender, judgement
'germans don't want war' - Mr birling
Themes: judgement, age
'everything to lose and nothing to gain by war' - Mr birling
Themes: age, judgement, capitalism
' I say there isn't a chance of war' - Mr birling
Themes:judgement, age, capitalism
' unsinkable absolutely unsinkable' - Mr birling
Themes:age, judgement, capitalism
'now you three young people, just listen to this' - Mr birling
Themes:age, social class, capitalismvssocialism, social responsibility
'by that time you'll be living in a world that'll have forgotten all these capital versus labour agitations and all these silly little wat scares' - Mr birling
Themes: capitalismvssocialism , judgement, social responsibility
' we hardheaded practical business man must say something sometime. And we don't guess-we've had experience- and we know' - Mr birling
Themes: capitalism, social class, age
'now listen darling-' - Gerald
Themes: gender, socialismvscapitalism, social class
'for god's sake -don't say anything to the inspector' - Gerald
Themes: gender, social responsibility, capitalismvssocialism, social class
'why - you fool - he knows. Of course he knows. And I hate to think how much he knows that we don't know yet.' - Sheila
Themes: age, gender, socialismvscapitalism, social class, social responsibility, judgement
'my mother' - Sheila
Themes: age
'ill never, never do it again to anybody' - Sheila
Themes: social responsibility , socialism, age, social class
'and if I could help her now, I would' - Sheila
Themes: social responsibility, age, social class, judgement
' she was the right type for it, just as I was the wrong type' - Sheila
Themes: social class, judgement, gender
'she was a very pretty girl too - with big dark eyes - and that didn't make it any better' - gerald
Themes: gender, social class
'ive had a few drinks, including rather a lot of champagne' - Eric
Themes: social class, age, judgement, socialism
'you talk as if we're responsible' - Sheila
Themes: soical responsibility, learningabout life, social class
'these girls aren't cheap labour - they're people' - Sheila
Themes: gender, social class, age, social responsiblity, socialismvscapitalism, judgement
'there are a lot of young women living that sort of existence in every city and big town in this country' - inspector