
Cards (13)

  • Density is the mass of a substance per unit volume.
  • Density = M/V
  • Density equation
  • Solid = high density (particles are close together)
  • Liquid = Lower density (More spaces)
  • Gas = Least dense ( lower mass per unit volume)
  • A block of 4g + 2cm^3 = 2g/cm^3
  • A liquid of 0.01g/cm^3 + 100cm^3 = 1g
  • A gas has 0.0001g/cm^3 + 10g = 100,000cm^3
    1. Density of a regular solid = find volume (widthxlengthxheight)
    2. use a balance to find mass
    3. use equation D=M/V
    4. Put results in a table
    1. Density of an irregular object= Fill a measuring cylinder with water that will cover object and record it
    2. find mass of object using a balance
    3. Place object in cylinder and find new volume
    4. new volume-old volume= volume of object
    5. D=M/V
    1. Density of a liquid= Find mass of measuring cylinder with a balance
    2. measure out 20ml of water and find mass of water+measuring cylinder
    3. mass of water only = mass of water+cylinder - mass of cylinder
    4. Repeat for 40cm^3, 60cm^3, 80cm^3 & 100cm^3
    5. Find density for each volume then take an average
  • When finding the density of an irregular object don't use your fingers to push a floating item down use a object such as a pencil