Common Bacteria Species Characteristics

Cards (6)

  • Bacillus Subtilis (BS)

    gram +, rod shaped; no turbidity with thick pellicle and dry, dull, irregular, raised
  • Escherichia Coli(EC)

    gram -, rod shaped; turbid with sediment, and low convex, undulate, circular
  • Staphylococcus Aureus (SA)

    gram +, cocci clusters; turbid with sediment, and circular, smooth, raised, off-yellow
  • Alcaligenes Faecalis (AF)

    gram -, rod shaped; turbid with sediment, and umbonate, spreading edge, irregular
  • Pseudomonas Aeruginosa (PA)

    gram -, rod shaped; turbid with pellicle, and raised blue green pigment
  • Micrococcus Luteus (ML)

    gram +, cocci in irregular clusters; turbid with sediment, and convex, circular, entire, yellow pigment