The combined periodontic – endodontic lesion is a lesion where there is any coalescence of periodontic or endodontic lesions, irrespective of the primary origin of the lesion
Perio tissue communicate with the pulp by?
The apical foramen
Dentinal tubules
Lateral root canals
Furcation root canals
Cracks and fracture lines
Perforation by dental instruments during RCT
Perio disease with secondary endo involvement?
A periodontal pocket extends to involve the apex or lateral canal causing loss of pulp vitality
little evidence to suggest happens on a significant scale
most likely only when perio disease involves the apex of the root and apical vessels traversing through apical foramen
Primary endo with secondary perio involvement ?
A non-vital pulp causes an acute abscess which drains via the periodontal ligament forming a “pseudopocket” which may be relatively narrow
inflammation in pulp system can be reduced by:
Restorative procedures e.g. exposure, thermal damage or chemical damage
Dentine exposureThis can lead to pulp necrosis and subsequent infection leading to a non-vital pulp
Combined perio endo lesion ?
Both a periodontal pocket and endodontic lesion co-exist and progress to communicate with each other
history of onset and dev of signs and symptoms
Clinical examination
special tests - rads and vitality
not easy to obtain a clear hisotry for chronic symptomless and periodontal pulpal lesions
Dx easier during acute episode
history of severe bouts of pain, awake at night, violent stimulation by hot cold sweet = irrev pulpitis
alludes to non vital tooth
Primary endo lesions typically present when...
tooth heavily restored
marked surface loss w attrition, erosion and abrasion (combined or in isolation)
Tooth discoloured (esp. anteriorly = trauma)
Isolated deep pocket , probe disappears in a narrow, deep defect and is atypical of the general level of periodontal destruction.
Pocket often, but not always, on the buccal / palatal surface - not interdentally as in established Chronic Periodontitis.
root surface relatively free of sub-gingival deposits unless the lesion is long-standing and no other periodontally involved teeth in the mouth.
Chronic periodontitis ?
pockets usually possess wide orifice at GM
calc deposits are present
Pockets deepest ID
teeth rarely affected in isolation
Vitality testing ?
thermal, electric and tactile stimulus
non vital tooth with endodontic component responsed negatively
be aware of false positives and negatives
A perio lesion will repond in which way to cold and electric pulp testing
Radiographic exam:
look for signs of endo origin:
Loss of lamina dura or widening of the periodontal membrane space.
Apical or lateral areas of rarefaction i.e. “apical areas.”
Furcation radiolucencies may be endodontic in origin.
Deep fillings ,deep caries, pulp caps
Perio signs on a radiograph:
bone loss and calculus deposits
Tx for perio disease with secondary endo involvement
if pocket reached apex the disease is advanced and tooth untreatable, XLA best option
Tx for primary endo with secondary perio involement?
diag early = RCT
little chance of secondary plaque accumulation of the “pseudopocket”.
Conversely a longstanding lesion will develop the features of Chronic Periodontitis and success will depend upon successful RCT and RSD
Perio component of TX for primary endo lesion w secondary perio involement?
Periodontal treatment may not be required if the duration of communication is short.
Regeneration can be expected if plaque contamination of the root surface has not occurred
Tx of combined lesion?
Much more difficult to treat and diagnose
Not possible to determine to what extent each of the combined aetiologies has contributed to the lesion.
RCT should always be carried out first followed by periodontal treatment to cope with the residual pocket
Difficult to manage
Treatment success unpredictable
Combined lesion Tx sequence?
Rv at 2-3 months
if lesion shows no signs of resolving perform perio therapy
rv after 2-3 months and re eval radiographically
a collection of pus within a pyogenic membrane
Gingival abscess?
Previously healthy site and caused by foreign body impaction
Peri coronal?
associated with an incompletely erupted tooth
perio abscess can occur by...
extensive of infection from a perio pocket
may follow physical damage to perio tissues ie. a foreign body
Where and when do they typically occur ?
In relation to pockets of bi/trifurcation of molars. These are deep and narrow and easily blocked
Incomplete removal of calculus and tissue debris from a periodontal pocket results in healing over incompletely removed pocket contents impeding drainage
Initial abscess signs/symptoms ?
deep throbbing pain
tooth slightly mobile and sensitive to touch
overlying gingivae = red, swollen tender
no fluctuation/ discharge of pus
abscess sings and symptoms EO?
Infection may spread into the surrounding tissues and a cellulitis may occur.
Swelling of the face, lip, lower eyelid depending on the site of the abscess
Lower tooth infection may in addition be associated with trismus and difficulty in swallowing
Associated lymphadenopathy
Malaise and increased temperature
Developing signs and symptoms of an abscess ?
pus can discharge into pocket and drain through it
pus may track through alveolar bone and form an abscess under mucoperiosteum
in this case abscess is red, shiny, fluctuant and sensitive
Intra oral signs of abscess ?
Deep pocket
Pus discharge through pocket
Gingival swelling
Mobile tooth
Sinus if the abscess is an acute episode of an existing chronic abscess
Tooth tender to bite on
Radiographic appearance of an abscess ?
Evidence of crestal bone loss and periodontal disease
Late radiographic evidence may include bone loss at the side of the tooth especially in long standing abscesses
Will a abscessed tooth respond positively or negatively to a vitality test
Treatment in the acute phase ?
control of infection spread
Drainage of the abscess?
via the open pocket
incision of fluctuant swelling by the dentist
HSWMW (1/2 TB salt to glass of hot water every 2 hours)
Controlling the spread of infection
ABx given in cases of systemic upset, this is shown by: temperature rise, malaise, medically compromised
Amoxicillin 500 tds 5/7
metronidazole 400mg tds 5/7
Chronic phase Tx of abscess?
Apical abscess ?
more severe pain
discharge over apex but can be at gm
swelling +tenderness over apex
pain before swelling
not always a pocket formation but can be
usually previous trauma, restoration, freq pulpitis