Ch 11

Cards (19)

  • Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood
  • Adolescence plays a decisive role in the formation of pro-social or anti-social adults
  • Adolescence poses many challenges and demands adjustments on many fronts
  • In India, adolescents do most of the work themselves, but final decisions regarding various domains of life are taken by their parents
  • Adolescence in the Indian social system comes under Brahmacharya, the first ashram of developmental stage
  • Erikson believed that each stage of life is marked by a specific crisis or conflict between competing tendencies
  • Adolescents must integrate various roles into a consistent self-identity during this phase
  • Adolescence is a period of physical change and psychological transition from a child to an adult
  • Adolescents must achieve new and more mature relations with age peers of both sexes
  • Adolescents must achieve emotional independence from parents and other adults
  • Adolescents must prepare for an occupation, marriage, and family life
  • Adolescents must develop intellectual skills and concepts necessary for civic competence
  • Adolescents must acquire a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to behavior
  • Adolescence is marked by social changes such as leaving home, getting a job, and voting
  • The problems adolescents face have both biological and social roots
  • Physical changes during adolescence include an increase in height and weight, changes in bodily proportions, and facial feature alterations
  • Hormonal changes differentiate the sexes, with males producing more androgens and females producing more estrogens
  • Adolescents must solve vital problems to transition successfully from childhood to adulthood
  • Gender roles refer to the expectations concerning the roles males and females should perform and the ways they should behave