Ch 24

Cards (19)

  • Yoga drives away ailments when one is moderate in diet, activities, exercise, and duty, with moderate periods of sleep and wakefulness
  • Body and mind are interconnected - a happy mind leads to active work, and a healthy body keeps the mind radiant, alert, and enthusiastic
  • Yoga facilitates body-mind functioning for happiness, peace, and fulfillment in life
  • Yoga means 'union' - union of individual being with universal being, a passage from ignorance to self-knowledge, and effort towards self-perfection
  • Yoga leads to health in the body, peace in the mind, joy in the heart, and liberation of the soul
  • Outer aspect of Yoga (vahirang) includes yama, niyama, asana, and pranayama; inner aspect (Antarang) includes Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi
  • Yoga is the regulation of mental processes according to Maharshi Patanjali
  • Different types of Yoga:
    • Hatha Yoga: controls body functioning and energy flow
    • Raja Yoga: restrains consciousness fluctuations
    • Karma Yoga: path of selfless action without expecting rewards
    • Bhakti Yoga: path of devotion and surrender to God
    • Gyan Yoga: emphasizes removal of ignorance and seeking spiritual knowledge
  • Yoga techniques for physical and mental vitality include diet, Yoga asanas, breathing practices, Pranayamas, and meditation
  • Diet in Yoga: Sattwik food recommended for nourishment, Rajasik food makes restless, Tamasik food makes lazy and dull
  • Yoga Asanas improve blood circulation, tone up brain activities, glands, nerves, tissues, and cells
  • Precautions for performing Asanas:
    • Perform early in the morning in a well-ventilated room
    • Clear bowels before starting
    • Perform on a musk spread on hard ground
    • Breathing should be normal
    • Do not eat immediately after
    • Learn proper methods from a Yoga teacher
  • Some main Asanas:
    • Paschimottan Asana: tones abdominal organs, kidneys, improves digestion
    • Sarvang Asana: activates all body parts, nourishes thyroid and parathyroid glands
    • Shavasana: complete relaxation of muscles, nerves, brain, and organs
    • Shalabh Asana: helps digestion, relieves gastric troubles
    • Ushtra Asana: improves shoulder problems, corrects leg deformities
  • Dhanurasana (Bow posture):
    • Lie on the stomach
    • Bend the knees while keeping them together
    • Take the ankles in the hands and rest the chin on the ground
    • Inhale and raise the legs, head, and upper body while arching the back
    • Remain in this position as long as possible, breathing regularly and focusing on the lower part of the spinal column
    • Relax the body gradually and return to the original position
    • Repeat the exercise two or three times
  • Benefits of Dhanurasana:
    • Improves posture and shoulder problems
    • Corrects deformities in the legs
    • Massages the heart for better health
    • Develops the chest and tones the abdominal organs and back
  • Halasana (The Plough Posture):
    • Lie on the back with arms stretched by the side of the body, palms flat on the ground
    • Inhale, exhale, and slowly raise the legs vertically
    • Lower the legs behind the head until the tips of the feet touch the ground
    • Remain in this position for a few seconds and breathe normally
    • Return to the starting position
  • Benefits of Halasana:
    • Extremely beneficial for the spinal column
    • Abundant blood supply revitalizes nerves and muscles of the back
    • Regenerating effect on the glandular system and clears up menstrual disorders
    • Regular practice may prevent fat formation around the stomach, hips, and waist
  • Bhujang Asana (The Cobra position):
    • Lie on the stomach with palms on the ground underneath the shoulders
    • Inhale and slowly raise the head and trunk, leaning backwards without raising the abdominal region from the ground
    • Hold the position for a few seconds, then exhale and return to the starting position
  • Benefits of Bhujang Asana:
    • Activates back muscles and exerts pressure on the vertebrae
    • Provokes a copious blood supply to the region, toning it up
    • May correct slightly slipped discs
    • Soothes backaches, benefits kidney (adrenal glands), and stimulates digestion