Ch 27

Cards (15)

  • Importance of controlling and regulating the mind:
    • Self-control and discipline are crucial for healthy development of the individual and society
    • Without self-control, negative feelings like possessiveness, arrogance, aggressiveness, anger, hatred, and intolerance prevail
  • Yoga as a way of life:
    • Developed for healthy development of an individual
    • Balances body, mind, intellect, and emotions
    • Neglect of emotional aspects in modern education leads to lack of discipline, restraint, tolerance, and character
  • Control of mind:
    • Not only for religious or spiritual aspirants but necessary for success in all vocations
    • No progress in individual or community lives without proper mind-control and regulation
    • A peaceful and tranquil mind can achieve anything in life
  • Jeevan Vigyan:
    • Teaches positive values for mind control
    • Helps in disciplining thoughts and mind
    • A method of controlling emotions and behaviours
  • Preksha Dhyana:
    • Meditation technique for controlling and disciplining the mind
    • Involves perception of breathing, body, and psychic centers
    • Leads to change in attitudes and behaviors, making a person more righteous
    • Total relaxation achieved through stages of meditation like Kayotsarg, Mental Concentration, and Awareness of the body
  • Art of Living:
    • Focuses on harmony of body, mind, and soul
    • Introduced by Sri Paramhansa Yogananda for a more integrated humane and spiritual life
    • Practical methods include balanced diet, regular exercise, meditation, studying religious literature, and leading a pious life
    • Revived and refined by Sri Sri Ravi Shanker with techniques like Sudarshan Kryia for stress elimination and inner peace
  • Breath is the link between body and mind and works as a key to handle negative emotions and facilitate the use of true potential at work, home, and leisure
  • Sudarshan Kriya is a breath cleansing process that harmonizes the body, mind, and emotions
  • Sudarshan Kriya incorporates specific natural rhythms of the breath to harmonize the body, mind, and emotional stress, reducing negative emotions like anger, frustration, and depression
  • Sudarshan Kriya cleanses the system from the inside, controlling and disciplining the mind through breath control
  • Transcendental Meditation (TM) moves the mind from the surface of life to the depth of being, experiencing subtler states of thought and transcending all thoughts
  • TM ensures the connection of the outer life with the inner value of Being, making all avenues of outer life positive and worthwhile
  • Vipassana is a technique of self-observation, observing things as they really are to bring peace and tranquility to the human mind
  • In Vipassana, the breath is observed as it is - natural and normal, without controlling it, to experience the reality within the body
  • Vipassana breaks the barriers of conscious and unconscious mind through observation, allowing the mind to become peaceful, disciplined, and controlled