Microscopes and culture media

Cards (227)

  • Microorganisms are too small to be seen with the unaided eye and must be observed with a microscope
  • The word "microscope" comes from the Latin word "micro" (small) and the Greek word "skopos" (to look at)
  • Modern microbiologists use microscopes that produce magnifications ranging from ten to thousands of times greater than van Leeuwenhoek's single lens microscope
  • Helicobacter pylori is a spiral-shaped bacterium first seen in cadaver stomachs in 1886
  • Some microbes are more readily visible than others due to their size or observable features
  • Microorganisms must undergo staining procedures before their cell walls, capsules, and other structures lose their colorless natural state
  • Microorganisms and their components are measured in micrometers (μm) and nanometers (nm)
  • A micrometer (μm) is equal to 0.000001 meters (10^-6 m) and a nanometer (nm) is equal to 0.000000001 meters (10^-9 m)
  • Light microscopy uses visible light to observe specimens
  • A compound light microscope has a series of lenses and uses visible light for illumination
  • Total magnification of a specimen is calculated by multiplying the objective lens magnification by the ocular lens magnification
  • Resolution in microscopy refers to the ability of lenses to distinguish fine detail and structure
  • The resolving power of a microscope is influenced by the wavelength of light used
  • To achieve high magnification with good resolution, immersion oil is used with the oil immersion objective lens
  • Darkfield microscopy is used to examine live microorganisms that are invisible in ordinary light microscopes or cannot be stained
  • Phase-contrast microscopy allows detailed examination of internal structures in living microorganisms without the need for fixing or staining the specimen
  • Differential interference contrast (DIC) microscopy uses differences in refractive indexes and two beams of light to produce brightly colored, nearly three-dimensional images
  • Fluorescence microscopy takes advantage of substances that absorb short wavelengths of light and emit light at longer wavelengths
  • Confocal microscopy is used to reconstruct three-dimensional images by illuminating one plane of a specimen at a time
  • Two-photon microscopy (TPM) uses long-wavelength light and requires two photons to excite the fluorochrome to emit light
  • Scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) interprets the action of a sound wave sent through a specimen to study living cells attached to surfaces
  • Electron microscopy is used to examine objects smaller than about 0.2 μm, such as viruses or internal cell structures
  • Electron Microscopy:
    • Used for objects smaller than about 0.2 μm, such as viruses or internal structures of cells
    • Uses a beam of electrons instead of light
    • Electron microscopes have better resolution than other microscopes due to the shorter wavelengths of electrons
    • Images produced are black and white, but can be artificially colored
    • Two types of electron microscopes: transmission electron microscope (TEM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM)
  • Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM):
    • A finely focused beam of electrons passes through an ultrathin section of the specimen
    • Electromagnetic condenser lens focuses the beam on a small area of the specimen
  • Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM):
    • Provides three-dimensional views of specimens
    • Uses a primary electron beam to knock electrons out of the specimen's surface, producing secondary electrons that are used to create an image
  • Staining Procedures for Light Microscopy:
    • Staining is used to color microorganisms with dyes that emphasize certain structures
    • Microorganisms must be fixed to the slide before staining
    • Types of stains: basic dyes (crystal violet, methylene blue, malachite green, safranin) and acidic dyes (eosin, acid fuchsin, nigrosin)
  • Simple Stains:
    • Aqueous or alcohol solution of a single basic dye
    • Highlights entire microorganism to show cellular shapes and basic structures
  • Differential Stains:
    • React differently with different bacteria to distinguish them
    • Examples: Gram stain and acid-fast stain
  • Gram Stain:
    • Classifies bacteria into gram-positive and gram-negative groups
    • Steps: primary stain (crystal violet), mordant (iodine), decolorizing agent (alcohol), counterstain (safranin)
    • Gram-positive bacteria retain purple color, gram-negative bacteria appear pink
  • Acid-Fast Stain:
    • Binds strongly to bacteria with waxy material in cell walls
    • Used to identify acid-fast bacteria like Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium leprae
    • Steps: carbolfuchsin, heating, acid-alcohol, counterstain (methylene blue)
  • Special Stains:
    • Used to color and isolate specific parts of microorganisms
    • Examples: capsule staining and endospore staining
  • Negative Staining for Capsules:
    • Capsules are gelatinous coverings around microorganisms
    • Capsule staining is used to determine the organism's virulence
    • Capsules appear as halos surrounding stained bacterial cells
  • Endospore (Spore) Staining:
    • Endospores are resistant, dormant structures formed within bacterial cells
    • Endospores are stained using the Schaeffer-Fulton endospore stain
    • Steps: malachite green (primary stain), heat, water wash, counterstain (safranin)
  • Endospores appear green within red or pink cells in a properly prepared smear
  • Endospores are highly refractive and can be detected under a light microscope when unstained
  • Without a special stain, endospores cannot be differentiated from inclusions of stored material
  • Bacterial flagella are structures of locomotion too small to be seen with a light microscope without staining
  • Flagella staining procedure uses a mordant and the stain carbolfuchsin to build up the diameters of flagella until they become visible under the light microscope
  • Microbiologists use the number and arrangement of flagella as diagnostic aids
  • Culture media provide essential nutrients and minerals to support the growth of microorganisms in the laboratory