Data Base

Cards (41)

  • Definition of a database:
    • Collection of organized data
    • Can be manual or electronic
  • Advantages of databases:
    • More efficient in retrieving information
    • Easy to obtain copies
    • Smaller physical space needed
    • Efficient data analysis
    • Data can be shared
    • Independence of data from software
  • Features of a database:
    • Minimal data redundancy
    • Data consistency
    • Increases efficiency
    • Increases accuracy
    • Increases validity
    • Security measures
  • Electronic vs. Manual Databases:
    • Electronic databases are more efficient, accurate, credible, and easy to analyze
    • Manual databases require more space, man power, and are less efficient
  • Introduction to Relational Database:
    • Record: collection of fields related to one person or object
    • Data table: collection of records
    • Relational database: collection of related tables
  • Primary Key:
    • Column (or combination of columns) that uniquely identifies a record
  • Composite Primary Key consists of two or more columns of a table uniquely identifying a record
  • Foreign Key builds a connection between two tables
  • Data duplication leads to reduced efficiency and increased possibility of errors
  • Commonly used data types include Numeric (Integer, Real), Text, Currency, Date/Time, Boolean
  • Database Management System (DBMS) consists of tables, queries, forms, and reports
  • Primary key field should be used to maintain the identity of records in a table
  • In creating a relational database, different types of relationships can exist among tables: one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many
  • One-to-one Relationship:
    • A row in one table is related to one row in another table
  • One-to-many Relationship:
    • Each record of one table is related to several records of another table
  • Many-to-many Relationship:
    • A record of one table is related to several records of another table, and vice versa
  • Forms are used to enter data to a table in Database Management Systems and to display entered data
  • Each input record is entered to the last column of the table through a form using the Record Navigation Bar
  • Query is used to obtain necessary information from the data of related tables
  • Query represents data of selected fields (columns) in each table
  • Reports are used to obtain printed copies of important information received from the data of related tables
  • Both tables and queries can be used to design reports
  • Data redundancy refers to the same data being stored in several database tables
  • Data type refers to the type of data relevant to a field in a database
  • In a relational database, relationships such as one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many can exist
  • Forms are used to enter and display data in a database
  • Query is used to obtain information from a database
  • Reports are used to present data from a database
  • Objects in Database Management Systems are used for various purposes
  • Relationships between tables are built using foreign keys
  • Data redundancy can lead to inefficiency and inconsistency in a database
  • Different data types are used for different types of information in a database
  • Different types of relationships like one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many can exist in a relational database
  • Forms, queries, and reports are essential tools for managing and presenting data in a database
  • Expression Builder Dialogue Box can be used to calculate values in reports
  • Sum function can be used to calculate totals in reports
  • Advantages of electronic databases include efficient data management and analysis
  • Characteristics of a database include data consistency and security
  • Primary key uniquely identifies records in a table
  • Foreign key links tables together in a database