What are some other confounding variables according to "individual differences?"
Confounding From IndividualDifferences – These are any participantcharacteristic that can differ from oneparticipant to another. These variables may produce differencesbetweengroups that can compromiseresearchresults.
Confounding From EnvironmentalVariables – These are any characteristic of the environment that may differ; any such variable may cause differences that cannotbeattributed to the independentvariable.
Researchers have the opportunity and responsibility to create groups that are:
CreatedEqually: The process used to obtain participants should be assimilaraspossible for all of the groups.
TreatedEqually: Except for the treatment conditions that are deliberately varied between groups, the groups of participants should receiveexactlythesameexperience.
Composed of EquivalentIndividuals: The characteristics of the participants in any one group should be assimilaraspossible to the characteristics of the participants in everyothergroup.