How do we prevent high variability from obscuring any treatment effects?
The scores that are obtained in onecondition are noticeablydifferent than the scores in the second; thus, the absolutesize of the difference must be evaluated in relation to the variance of the scores.
A measure of variability obtained by computing theaveragesquareddistance from the mean.
Variance Within Treatments
A measure of the differencesbetweenscores for a group of individuals who have all received thesametreatment. The intent is to measure naturallyoccurringdifferences that have notbeencaused by a treatment effect.
Big differences between-treatments are good because they provideevidence of differentialtreatmenteffects.
Big differences within-treatments are bad because the differences that existinsidethetreatmentconditions determine the variance of the scores, large variances can obscurepatterns in data.