6.2.2 Synaptic Transmission

Cards (14)

  • Transmission across a cholinergic synapse
    Cholinergic synapses use the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)
    At pre- synaptic neurone
    1. Depolarisation of pre-synaptic membrane causes opening of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels → Ca2+ diffuse into pre- synaptic neurone
    2. Causing vesicles containing ACh to move and fuse with pre-synaptic membrane → releasing ACh into synaptic cleft (exocytosis)
  • Transmission across a cholinergic synapse
    Cholinergic synapses use the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh)
    At post- synaptic neurone
    3. ACh diffuses across synaptic cleft to bind to specific receptors on post-synaptic membrane
    4. Causing Na+ channels to open
    Na+ diffuse into post-synaptic knob causing depolarisation → if threshold is met, an action potential is initiated
  • ACh hydrolysed by acetylcholinesterase → products reabsorbed by presynaptic neurone to stop overstimulation
  • Features of synapses: unidirectionality
    Synapses result in unidirectional nerve impulses because:
    Neurotransmitter only made in / released from pre-synaptic neurone
    Receptors only on post-synaptic membrane
  • Features of synapses: summation
    ● Addition of a number of impulses converging on a single post-synaptic neurone
    ● Causing rapid buildup of neurotransmitter
    ● So threshold more likely to be reached to generate an action potential
    Importance: low frequency action potentials release insufficient neurotransmitter to exceed threshold
  • Spatial summation
    Many pre-synaptic neurones share one synaptic cleft / post-synaptic neurone
    ● Collectively release sufficient neurotransmitter to reach threshold to trigger an action potential
  • Temporal summation
    One pre-synaptic neurone releases neurotransmitter many times over a short time
    ● Sufficient neurotransmitter to reach threshold to trigger an action potential
  • Features of synapses: inhibition by inhibitory synapses
    ● Inhibitory neurotransmitters hyperpolarise postsynaptic membrane because:
    Cl- channels open → Cl- diffuse in
    K+ channels open → K+ diffuse out
    ● More Na+ required for depolarisation
    ● So reduces likelihood of threshold being met
    and action potential formation at post-synaptic membranes
    Example: acetylcholine is an inhibitory neurotransmitter at cholinergic synapses in the heart
  • inhibition by inhibitory synapses- Importance: both excitatory and inhibitory neurones
    forming synapses with same post-synaptic membrane gives control of whether it ‘fires’ an action potential
  • Structure of a neuromuscular junction
    Very similar to a synapse except:
    Receptors are on muscle fibre instead of postsynaptic membrane and there are more
    Muscle fibre forms clefts to store enzyme eg. acetycholinesterase to break down neurotransmitter
  • Students should be able to use information provided to predict and explain the effects of specific drugs on a synapse.
    Stimulate nervous system - more action potentials
    • Similar shape to neurotransmitter
    • Stimulate release of more neurotransmitter
    • Inhibit enzyme that breaks down neurotransmitter → Na* continues to enter
  • Students should be able to use information provided to predict and explain the effects of specific drugs on a synapse
    Inhibit nervous system → fewer action potentials
    • Inhibit release of neurotransmitter eg. prevent opening of calcium ion channels
    • Block receptors by mimicking shape of neurotransmitter
  • Cholinergic synapse
    Neurone to neurone (or effectors, glands)
    Neurotransmitters can be excitatory or inhibitory
    Action potential may be initiated in postsynaptic neurone
  • Neuromuscular junction
    (Motor) neurone to muscle
    Always excitatory
    Action potential propagates along sarcolemma down T tubules