pressure on skin, chemicals in food, light turning on
The Human Nervous System
The human nervous system is composed of two parts, the central nervous system (CNS) composed of the brain and spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system (PNS) consisting of the nerves and ganglia on the outside of the CNS
Detects stimulus (one form of energy) and converts this to electrical energy to send the information as an electrical impulse to the central nervous system via neurones
Highly specialised cells that generate and transmit nerve impulses
sensory neurone :
Carry impulses from the receptor to the CNS
Functional types of neurones in mammals
Relay (connector or association)
In mammals, responses to many external and internal stimuli involve the reception of information and its transfer from a receptor to an effector via the nervous system (or as hormones via the blood in the endocrine system)
muscles / glands
Receives electrical impulses from the CNS and brings about a response
motor neurone :
Carry impulses from the CNS to the effector organs (muscles/glands)
relay neurone :
Found within the spinal cord, receive impulses from sensory neurones or other intermediate neurones and relay them to motor neurones or other intermediate neurones
Node of Ranvier, Schwann cell nucleus, Myelin sheath, Axon, Dendrites, Cell Body/centron, Synaptic end bulb/Axon endings, Effector organ
Sensory – cell body in middle of neurone, whereas motor & relay cell body at the start of neurone. Motor and sensory neurones have a longer axon
The Spinal Cord is a long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells that extends from the brain. It is protected by the spinal column. Most of the peripheral nerves originate from the spinal cord. The function of the spinal cord is the transmission of neural signals between the brain and the rest of the body. It also contains neural circuits that can independently control numerous reflexes. The spinal cord is made up of grey matter containing nerve cell bodies surrounded by white matter consisting of nerve fibres surrounded by myelin sheath (axons). It is surrounded by membranes called meninges
Simplest type of response is a simple reflex arc, an inborn response to a stimulus that is rapid, automatic, and beneficial
Spinal cord structure
Central area of grey matter containing nerve cell bodies, surrounded by white matter consisting of nerve fibres with myelin sheath, surrounded by meninges
With any reflex action
Impulses are sent to the brain via ascending nerve fibres that synapse at the grey matter of the spinal cord
Blink reflex, pupil reflex, knee-jerk reflex
Motor fibres leaving the spinal cord
Leave via the ventral roots
Sensory fibres entering the spinal cord
Enter on the dorsal root with cell bodies found in the dorsal root ganglia
Spinal cord
Contains neural circuits that can independently control numerous reflexes
An excitable cell that can change its resting potential
Resting potential is the potential difference across the axon membrane of a neurone when no nervous impulse is being conducted
Resting potential is maintained via the movement of sodium and potassium ions
Three sodium ions are pumped out of the axon for every two potassium ions pumped in by the sodium-potassium pump
Resting potential is around -70mV relative to the exterior of the axon
The brain may store reflex information or relate it to other sense data
Neurones transmit electrical impulses along the cell membrane by changing the potential difference across the axon membrane
Neurones have a resting potential of -70mV
Voltage-gated potassium channels allow potassium to diffuse back out of the axon
All or Nothing Law
1. Voltage-gated sodium ion channels close, potassium ion channels open
2. Potassium ions rapidly diffuse out, reducing potential difference across the membrane
3. Overshoot causes hyperpolarization
Refractory period
1. Concentrations of K+ and Na+ are restored
2. Axon cannot transmit another action potential for about 1ms
Action potential generation
1. Stimulus causes voltage-gated channels to open
2. Threshold voltage reached, permeability to sodium ions increases, leading to depolarization
3. Negative charge inside the axon becomes positive
4. Membrane is depolarized
An action potential is either initiated or not and is always the same size
Resting potential generation
1. Voltage-gated channels allow ions to diffuse back out of the axon
2. Membrane is more permeable to potassium than sodium
3. Neurone has a resting potential of -70mV
4. Some K+ channels allow leakage of K+ ions
The size of the impulse is independent of the size of the stimulus
The speed of conduction of the stimulus is not altered by the intensity of the stimulus
Nerve Impulse Transmission in Non-Myelinated Neurones