Physical Education

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  • Flexibility allows joints and muscles to move through their full range of motion.
  • Two types of bones that make up the body are the hard and soft tissues.
    When body temperature increases blood flow increases
  • A joint is where two or more bones meet

    Bones store nutrients such as calcium
  • Flat bones are used to provide protection for vital organs
    Tendance are used to connect muscles to bones
  • Five function of the skeletal system: Movement, Support, Protection, Make Blood, Storage
    Two major Skeletal system parts: Axial Skeletal & Appendicular Skeletal
  • The Axial skeleton includes the skull, spine, ribs and sternum

    The appendicular skeleton includes the appendages of the body which are the shoulders arms, hips and legs
  • Two types of marrow: Red & yellow
    Red marrow produces most of the body's blood cells
    Yellow Marrow stores fat that can serve as an energy resource
  • 20% of an adults body weight is bone
    Bone is made up of 2 minerals: Calcium & Phosphorus
  • Two types of joints: Immovable & Movable
    Immovable Joints- A joint that allows little to no movement
    Movable Joints-Most joints are moveable
    -Allows the body to move in wide range of movements
    Ligaments hold together the bones in movable joints
  • Gliding Joint - Allows one bone to move over the other such as Knuckles, Wrist & Ankle it also allows you to bend and flex as well as make limited side to side motions