Found in the circulatory system, lining of blood vessels, digestive system (oesophagus, stomach, intestines), respiratory system (controls breathing), urinary system (urinary bladder, controls urination)
Cardiac Muscle:
Found only in the heart
Contractionspump blood throughout the body and account for the heartbeat
Healthy cardiac muscles NEVER fatigue
Skeletal Muscle:
Fibres are long and cylindrical
Fast and slow twitch fibres
Fast contract forcefully but fatigue quickly
Slow contract less forcefully but fatigue slower
Functions of the muscle:
Major functions: movement, maintenance of posture and muscle tone, heat production
Minor functions: protect the bone and internal organs
Muscles move bones by pulling, not pushing
Tendons anchor muscles firmly to bones (made of dense fibrous connective tissue)
Any movement is generally accomplished by muscles working in pairs
Prime Mover (agonist) is the muscle most responsible for movement
Antagonist is the muscle or group of muscles that work in opposite to the agonist (usually relaxes)
Functions of Skeletal Muscle:
Movement: e.g. biceps contract and flex the arm (agonist), triceps relax and extend the arm (antagonist)
Maintenance of posture or muscle tone
Heat production
Movement of Muscles:
Origin: attachment of the muscle to the bone that remains stationary
Insertion: attachment of the muscle to the bone that moves
Belly: fleshy part of the muscle between the tendons of origin and/or insertion
Movement of the skeletal muscle:
Muscles move when the brain sends messages to the muscle