Obtaining and ReviewingObjective Data – when combined with critical-incident logs, provide a solid basis on which to rate an employee
Reading Critical-Incident Logs – reduce errors of primacy, recency, and attention to unusual information
Completing the Rating Form – must be careful to make common rating errors
Halo Errors – occurs when a rater allows either a single attribute or an overall impression
Horn effect - occurs when a rater allows either a negative single attribute affect overall impression
Proximity Errors – occur when a rating made on one dimensions affects the rating made on the dimension that immediately follows it on the rating scale
Contrast Errors – the performance rating one person receives can be influenced by the performance of a previously evaluated person
ErrorAssimilation – when the supervisor reads the previous evaluations as excellent but the employee has been showing poor performance and still give the employee excellent rating
Low Reliability across raters – two people rating the same employee seldom agree with each other