
Cards (142)

  • personality - the patterns of behaviours, thoughts, and characteristics an individual possesses and displays consistently that differentiates one person from another
  • 4 major perspectives on personality
    • psychodynamics
    • trait
    • humanistic
    • social cognitive
  • psychodynamic theories - theories that view personality with a focus on unconscious and the importance of childhood experiences
  • unconscious
    • according to freud, a reservoir of mostly unacceptable thoughts, wishes, feelings, and memories
    • according to contemporary psychologists, information processing of which we are unaware
  • free association - in psychoanalysis, a method of exploring the unconscious in which the person relaxes and says whatever comes to mind, no matter how trivial or embarassing
  • psychoanalysis - freud's theory of personality and the associated treatment techniques
  • 3 techniques to discover the unconscious
    1. free association
    2. dream interpretation - manifest and latent content
    3. freudian slips
  • freudian slips - when you say one thing but mean another
  • id - unconsciously strives to satisfy basic sexual and aggressive drives
    • operates on the pleasure principle
    • demands immediate gratification
  • ego - mediates the demands of the id and the superego
    • operates on the reality principle
    • satisfies the id's desires in ways that will realistically brin pleasure rather than pain
  • superego - represents internalized ideals and provides standards for judgement and for future aspirations
    • operates on the moral principle
  • psychosexual stages - childhood stages of development which the id's pleasure seeking drives focus on distinct erogenous zones
  • 5 psychosexual stages
    1. oral
    2. anal
    3. phallic
    4. latency
    5. genital
  • oedipus complex - a boy's sexual desires toward his mother and feelings of jealousy and hatred for the rival father
  • electra complex - a girl's experience of a parallel to the oedipus complex
  • freud's oral stage - 0 - 18 months; pleasure centers on the mouth: sucking, biting, chewing
  • freud's anal stage - 18 - 36 months; pleasure focuses on bowel and bladder elimination; coping with demands for control
  • freud's phallic stage - 3 - 6 years; pleasure zone is the genitals; copes with incestuous sexual feelings
  • freud's latency stage - 6 to puberty; phase of dormant sexual feelings
  • freud's genital stage - puberty; maturation of sexual interests
  • identification - the process by which children incorporate their parents' values into their developing superegos
  • gender identity - sense of being male or female
  • fixation - according to freud, a lingering focus of pleasure seeking drives at an earlier psychosexual stage in which conflicts were unresolved
  • defense mechanisms - the ego's protective methods of reducing anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality
  • defense mechanisms
    • regression
    • reaction formation
    • projection
    • rationalization
    • displacement
    • sublimation
    • repression/denial
  • repression - the basic defense mechanism from consciousness anxiety arousing thoughts, feelings, and memories; root of all defense mechanisms
  • regression - defense mechanism that retreats to an earlier psychosexual stage where some psychic energy remains fixated
  • reaction formation - defense mechanism in switching unacceptable impulses into their opposites
  • projection - defense mechanism that disguises one's own threatening impulses by attributing them to others
  • rationalization - defense mechanism that offers self justifying explanations in place of the real, more threatening unconscious reasons for one's actions
  • displacement - defense mechanism that shifts sexual or aggressive impulses toward a more acceptable or less threatening object or person
  • sublimation - defense mechanism that transfers unacceptable impulses into socially valued motives
  • denial - defense mechanism that refuses to believe or even perceive painful realities
  • compensation - defense mechanism that psychologically counterbalances perceived weakness by emphasizing strengths in other areas
  • neo - freudians - accepted freud's interviewing techniques and his basic ideas
  • Carl Jung - focused on concepts such as the collective unconscious, archetypes, and psychological types
  • Alfred Adler - believed that behaviour is driven by efforts to conquer childhood inferiority feelings that trigger our strivings for superiority and power
  • Karen Horney - believed that childhood anxiety triggers our desire for love and security
  • collective unconscious - Carl Jung's concept of a shared, inherited reservoir of memory traces from our species' universal experiences
  • projective test - personality test such as the Rorschach, that provides ambiguous images designed to trigger projection of one's inner dynamics