ART APPRE: Subject and content

Cards (12)

  • Subject refers to the “what” of an artwork
  • It denotes the topic, focus or image of the work of art
  • It can be a person, an object, a theme or an idea
  • Content is the “why” of an artwork which indicates the artist’s intention or the meaning behind the work
  • It can be the intellectual message of an artwork, a statement, an expression, or mood developed by the artist and interpreted by the observer
  • Form signifies the “how” of the work, describing how the artwork has been developed or put together
  • Representational art:
    • Images in painting and sculpture that are clearly recognizable
    • Must represent something we might see in the real world
  • Non-representational art:
    • Consists of images that have no clear identity and must be interpreted by the viewer
    • Does not look like things we find in the real world or include recognizable images or shapes of objects
  • Kinds of subject:
    • Still life
    • Figures
    • Animals
    • Nature
    • Landscape
    • Seascape/Cityscape
    • Myth
    • Fantasies
  • Content in art:
    • Factual meaning: literal statement or narrative content in the work, easily captured because of identifiable forms in the artwork
    • Conventional meaning: special meaning that a certain object or color has for a particular culture or group of people
    • Subjective meaning: personal meaning consciously or unconsciously conveyed by the artist using private symbolism
  • Worksheet task:
    • Analyze famous artworks created by Filipino artists
    • Determine the source that the artist used in their masterpiece
    • Describe the content and subject used by the artist for visual understanding in the artwork
  • Solomon Saprid’s sculpture of “Tikbalang”